Safe House Followers

Post » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:44 am

It would be pretty awsome if you could also have your follower's Relocate to safe houses other than The Lucky 38. Or Have a Max Limite cause i know some Might be Small for all Followers to Fit, such as the lil Motel in Novac. And also Have them Talk to one another would be pretty Kool. Anyone agree? i Dont know just Makes it more fun for Me.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:54 pm

Dunno, it would be pretty generic like Boone saying: 'Hey' and Cass responding with a cool 'Hi' and then Boone says 'Bye!' and the crazy lizzard voice sais 'lllaterr!' instead of Cass's own voice. Don't think I'd interested in that for a long time. Other locations could work, although the 38 was obviously designed for multiple residents.
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