My character is immensly poor and I have quite a few items I do not want to loose. are there any safe houses or containers in the game I can drop my stuff into and come back later once i save up for a real house.
The most practical safe containers are open-topped grain sacks. There are six of them in the IC market district-- three at each end. They all initially contain 5 of some ingredient (generally corn, wheat, flour or rice) and they don't respawn. I always use the ones in front of Slash 'n Smash until I can afford the IC Shack.
There are similar sacks scattered all over Cyrodiil, and all are safe with two exceptions-- those in the Bruma Mages Guild and those in Crestbridge Camp will vanish at particular points in the game.
All clams are also safe, non-respawning containers, but they're clams, so they're only found in water, making them a bit less convenient.