Sorry, I'll have to report you for insulting me, but to reply to your post this is so people may discuss safely without being attacked by people such as yourself.
Edit: Please I ask again that if you have no complaints to please not post here as you are derailing the thread. I will report any who intentionally derails the thread again. Thank you.
While Saint Jiub explained my position pretty well - I'm also coming around here because on the off-chance a developer sees this thread, the Anti-Skyrim bias doesn't render all opinions in here irrelevant.
I don't want TES to try becoming a "True" RPG, and wish it to remain the awesome Open-world Action-RPG hybrid it's been since Day 1.
I cannot say I like every design decision made in Skyrim - While I was a bit too optimistic about the spell system, the removal of Spellmaking was a huge blow to the series - I hope it's back for the next game.
Likewise, I seriously miss the acrobatics skill. Contrary to what some people say, it's not a "passive" skill any more than Speech or Lockpicking. Athletics was a genuinely "Passive" skill because everyone always runs everywhere. However, Acrobatics - I didn't jump everywhere in Oblivion or Morrowind, despite always playing an Acrobat character - As an acrobat, I always had good reason to jump whenever I did.
Oblivion did such a great job with Acrobatics, that I miss its complete removal from Skyrim - I fell in love with TES the moment my Khajiit Acrobat in
ARENA vaulted across a two-square wide moat and stabbed a pair of goblins in the face upon landing.
I miss combat staves and other pole-arms - however, Morrowind didn't exactly do a good job with them. With the new Active Blocking system, they would have had a chance to shine as defensive/confounding weapon styles... Or maybe I just wish my female Khajiit character could be a pole-dance-battler

I miss Hand-to-Hand support - making fists considered a one-handed weapon in Skyrim would have made me absolutely ecstatic.
I miss the flexibility of
Daggerfall's enchanting system - Even small gems could be used to house effects-on-demand. I had a crystal that went FREEM and zapped enemies with lightning.
Note - What I miss brought a more "Action" element to the RPG - Crazy airborne stunts, a new, non-number-based combat style, and custom spells being able to tweak a character to optimal performance.
However, I'm GLAD attributes and weapon degradation are gone, the Blade, Blunt, and Axes skills are now merged into One- and Two-handed weapons (Before, the games were "Long Blade or Lame") - Seriously, all the decent weapons in every TES game have been Long swords. In Morrowind - Best weapon? The flaming God-swords, Eltonbrand, and Chrysamere in Morrowind, and Umbra, Goldbrand, Shadowrend(?) and Dawn/Duskfang in Oblivion. I like the simplification of the skill systems, because the complexity is put back in with the perk systems.