Their is going to be a hardcoe mode now!? After reading the new update from Bethesda today, I'm sure we'll be getting a one. Anyone else agree?
Their is going to be a hardcoe mode now!? After reading the new update from Bethesda today, I'm sure we'll be getting a one. Anyone else agree?
I'm sure if it isn't in the game initially it will likely be added as a content add-on during an update
i dont really see the point on hardcoe more when enemies on low level zone will scale up to match your level.
If u mean about taking water or food to survivie and that, that whole idea i dont know if it will fit for a place like Boston like for the look of the trailer it have alot more population that Nevada, and isnt a open dersert.
I doubt it will make an appearance, but who knows.
...They said no such thing. I'd like it if it were in, but the New Vegas system didn't add that much. The food and drink requirements were forgettable, and the weighted ammo just had me checking inventory more often. Now, the changes to stimpaks were great and I hope that at least carries over. The rest I think needs some refinement.
Ah the hardcoe name. For me hardcoe is when you die, that is it, game over, need to start over again. Just making sure when you are saying hardcoe mode, is it like New Vegas? Ammo costs weight (which it should) and you can't spam stim packs. For that, I say give us options. Not as in Play with our with "hardcoe" but give us options.
Does ammo have weight? Yes or No.
Does health regenerate when you wait? Yes or No.
Do Stim Pack have a timer before you can use the next one (e.g. can't spam and have instantaneous health)
Can you Fast Travel? Yes or No.
Can you Fast Travel encumbered? Yes or No.
Give us options for individual selections so we can tailor the game to our like, not all or nothing
Lol, it would be funny if they made that DLC.
Having primary needs was the reason I never played without it. I already use house rules for carrying a semi-realistic amount of ammo, number of rounds I can realistically carry balanced against how much I need in a general outing in the game.
Living off the excess of the land was one of my favourite parts of New Vegas, I hope it makes a return.
It would be nice if they had settings on the hardcoe mode so that you could fine tune the challenge.
I'd like to see something like Metro 2033 where ammo had weight and you could only carry a few weapons at a time (provide I could turn it on and off).
I wish it were in, but I'm pretty damn sure that it won't be.
I'm still not sure, but they don't seem to like using anything 'New Vegas'.
Deeper companions and crafting isn't anything "New Vegas"? I don't think hardcoe Mode is in, but I doubt Bethesda are deliberately avoiding features just because New Vegas mixed them in.
I personally am not a fan of the mode, but I know many people who love that mode so I'd think they'd have it in the game, of course they could just add it later on.
Bethesda added many features in the patches for Skyrim including their attempt at horse mounted combat. I have no doubt that if it isn't in the vanilla game they would add it if enough people asked for it and considering how popular survival mods are for Skyrim I don't see why that would change.
Never was a huge fan of the hardcoe mode or permadeath at all. But some of the features in the hearcore mode where intresting. So having the options seperated to configure the game would be more to my personal liking.
I say it's out. I think they should have confirmed it by now. But someone will mode a mode similar to it in.
Does anyone know where this supposed update is?
BTW, negative Karma to the OP for not linking it.
Perhaps this news?
I take back what I said and changing my vote. I think it is very possible that we may get the hardcoe/survival mode now.
Also, doctor bags and survival skill, please (It affects the efficiency of a lot of items). Or should I say, survival perk?
its only a name.......