Yeah, it's been a while... mostly because there hasn't been any progress on my part. I blame Fallout 3 and my studies.

Great work on the cuirass Edoc'sil, it's good to see an ingame screenshot of it!

Oh, and did you find the female version to be doable within reason?
As for me, I'm pretty sure I can get the trollbone weapons done in the next few days, so a compilation screenshot of them should be up next Sunday as per my habit of uploading stuff on the last day of the week.
This to the people browsing the thread: I'm in need of some feedback on the items that have been completed so far (see the first post's screens) and I'd like some honest opinions on what works and what doesn't. You don't necessarily need to be interested in using the mod yourself - I appreciate feedback from casual observers and other modders as well.
That's it for today. You'll hear from me on Sunday unless something unexpected happens (like my HDD catching on fire and melting into a pile of silvery goo
