And here ya go... I think I figured out a nice way to do the bone plating. I will have to see it in-game to be sure, but I think it looks good.

It's certainly better now... I think the biggest problem we have with this Oblivion iteration is the fact that MW apparently used the same cuirass mesh for both genders. If you could figure out a way to make the plates appear more solidly attached, I think this is what we'll go on with.
Right now it kind of looks like the plates could be ripped off with one solid hit of a mace, and trying to figure out where they're actually attached to the tunic is stretching my imagination a bit too far. I would wager that closing the neckline further up would give you a better position to attach the plates in a more believeable manner.
Excuse me for finding faults with the armor again, but I have a tendency of trying to apply logic to fantasy armors... frustrating, I know.