February 19th update. I've finished the stahlrim armor revision. Changes: 90% new textures (incl. the stahlrim material itself), increased texture and detail quality (screens don't show it off very well), new shield mesh and textures, toned down glow and reflection. Also included is a brand new inventory icon set.
Better view of the new shield:
I'll go for the trollbone armor revision next, but I've still got a problem with it... I need a new cuirass, something similar to the MW one shown http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/6940/trollbonearmoruy8.jpg. If anyone can come up with a new model or a modders resource link for something like that, you'll get your name in the credits for it.

I'd also like some opinions on the revisions so far. Do you think they're better/worse than in SSA 1? Etc.
As per usual, you can find all the screens in the first post. I haven't included any explanations on how the armors have been changed, since it's easier to just compare the screenshots to the ones in the SSA 1 release thread.