» Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 pm
March 18th update. Despite http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=966431&st=140&gopid=13978784entry13978784http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=967301, I've decided to finish this project and continue modding in general. I'll be resuming SSA 2 development this weekend. Screenshots of the new weapons will most likely be available on Sunday.
There were some major complications with the armor meshes Edoc'sil was making, so anything made would have to be done from scratch. I don't know if he has the time to pursue this project further. More on that as I get the news later.
Regarding the new posts in this thread since March 13th:
* I don't have the necessary skills to produce new meshes, so that's ruled out unless it's done by someone else
* I would attempt recreating the textures for the nordic mail armor if I was provided with legit MW styled meshes
* Unless someone creates the meshes for me or releases a free-for-all modders resource, the SSA nordic mail won't change
* Pleasing everyone is an impossibility, so that's why I stick to my own vision of things and make the best of what I have within my own skillset
*If I spent all my time trying to please everyone, I would never get anything released, and that would just render the whole point moot
* I'm pleased to have the permission to use Ghogiel's mesh/texture resources for: the stahlrim armor set (minus the shield), deerskin helm and bear helm. The round shields are from another modders resource, and so are the horns on the spirit shaman hood. The rest are just vanilla Oblivion meshes with minor modifications in some cases.