Welcome To The Official SSA 2 WIP Thread!
I. Status Updates
II. Mod Facts
III. Background
IV. Development
I. Status Updates:
Status updates will be added here at the top of the post. Check in once in a while for updates.
- Update - September 21st: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=950626&view=findpost&p=15091883 & http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6213/ncmailmale.jpg
- Update - September 20th: As promised, an update. Trollbone armor is finished except for the shield (Edoc's mesh is WIP). Male deerskin outfit got redone because its first iteration was below my standards. See the screenshot section below for the updates.
- Update - September 16th: Not much has been done lately, but I'm getting some free time next weekend/next week, which is when I'll make a push to get a lot of mod related stuff done - tune in then.
- Update - September 6th: Not much progress done unfortunately, as my studies have demanded far more time than I had at first anticipated. I've gotten some minor design things done over with the trollbone armor, but the progress is admittedly very slow at the moment.
- Update - August 3rd: Edoc'sil has finished all the trollbone weapon meshes, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=950626&view=findpost&p=14806182.
- Update - July 27th: Edoc'sil has finished all the trollbone armor meshes, some new trollbone weapons.
- Update - July 24th: Just posting an update for Edoc'sil - the remaining armor parts he's making are coming along well, and should be ready for me to texture soon enough. We've talked a bit about the possibility of having some custom meshes for the trollbone weapons, but I don't have anything certain on that as of yet. More on that and other things later...
- Update - July 22nd: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/492/trollboneclub.jpg
- Update - July 18th: I've uploaded a http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/3793/iconpreview.jpg screenshot of the new icon sets.
- Update - July 2nd: I've collected some trollbone armor WIP screens here: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/troll_WIP2-1.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/trollboneUV_wip.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/troll-in-game.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/trollboneFINISHED.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/TROLLCOMPLETE.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/troll_final.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/troll_fem_preview.jpg http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/1751/trollbonecuirasswip.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b9/bchick222/other%20projects/trollbone_fem_wip_2.jpg.
- Update - June 25th: I'm back from my vacation. I should be able to get working on the mod by Monday after I've sorted my mail etc. It shouldn't be that long before I can get this project out there.
- Update - June 4th: No great problems are in sight at the present time, but I'd rather get the whole trollbone set, including weapons, out for preview at the same time, so I won't be posting any screens before leaving on my vacation this weekend. Yes, that's right, another delay... what a surprise! I hope this won't discourage anyone from following the mod now, because I'm certainly going to finish this project when I return from my vacation in a few weeks. Thank you for your patience and have a great summer!
- Update - May 3rd: Left to do: trollbone armor set revision & trollbone weapons plus the CS stats for the new items
- Update - April 5th: Stahlrim weapons and their icons are finished - added stahlrim weapons compilation screenshot
- Update - March 22nd: Added nordic silver weapons compilation screenshot
- Update - March 8th: Nordic silver weapons are finished and so are their icons, moving on to stahlrim weapons
- Update - February 22nd: Added up-to-date full set screens of all Skyrim clothing and robes
- Update - February 19th: Added up-to-date full set screens of the stahlrim armor - also updated the shield compilation screen
- Update - February 17th: Added up-to-date full set screens of the wolf armor - also updated the shield compilation screen
- Update - February 16th: Updated all screenshots - also modified and finished the nordic mail armor
- Update - February 8th: Added up-to-date full set screens of the bear, deerskin and nordic mail armors and shields
- Update - February 5th: Added up-to-date full set screens of the bear and deerskin armors
- Update - February 1st: Added WIP screens of some deerskin armor pieces
If you have any questions, impressions or suggestions, don't hesitate to post. I'll try to answer everyone as time allows. You can find the SSA 1 release thread with screenshots http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=820611.
Sage Rime
II. Mod Facts:
What I aim to do with Skyrim Armory 2 is to merge both the Skyrim Armory and Skyrim Weapons projects, and have SSA 2 offer both Skyrim themed weapons and armor/clothing for the discerning Oblivion player.
The upcoming weapons will divide as follows:
Nordic Silver = Daggers, Battle Axes, War Axes, Claymores, Longswords, Shortswords, Maces, Warhammers
Stahlrim = Daggers, Battle Axes, War Axes, Claymores, Longswords, Shortswords, Maces, Warhammers
Trollbone = Daggers, Battle Axes, War Axes, Claymores, Clubs, Maces, Warhammers, Bows
III. Background:
Like some of you know by now, I ended my Oblivion modding career in September last year. I had planned to play Fallout 3 to the finish first, and then most likely start modding for it. I find myself disinterested in modding for FO3 though, as I enjoyed modding Oblivion much more for many reasons.
So I find myself in a situation where I have games to play as usual, but nothing to mod. I found out that no modding doesn't really cut it for me... I just like creating stuff too much, so I'm returning to the Oblivion modding scene.
IV. Development:
Here you can follow the SSA 2 development as it progresses. The development is done in three phases [shown below]. The screenshots posted don't necessarily represent the final textures or meshes and are to be treated as WIP material, whether they are full set screenshots or not.
III. Add weapon sets
I. This bit has been done. You can find the new values for the affected sets http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/171/armorstatsps1.jpg.
II. This part will eventually show all the revisions made to the existing armors and clothing. There's also also a compilation shot of the shields available for viewing below.
Revisions - Completed:
III. This part will eventually showcase all the new content in SSA 2.
Weapon Sets - Completed:
That's all for now. Watch this space.