Thank you for your questions Mike:
My support Enemy campain has been an overwhelming success. Honestly, I did not predict this kind of support early on. I am considering starting a EN3MY fan club where players can get EN3MY merchandise such a t-shirts etc. That will take a while to get going.
My campaign is funded by myself. Instead us just throwing money at the campaign, I choose to use "word of mouth" tatics to try and spreas the word. So far, the results have been outstanding.
Yes some Ceph members have started a smear campaign against me. They are using dirty politics...similar to what you see on tv sometimes. They have a lot more resources than I do and pretty much run a monopoly on the forums here. But, as I have shown one person can make a difference.
I think Mr M1keNiFiCent and Widda have a monoply as far as # of posts go (winks at Widda and Mike), so I find it very curious that you say Ceph has a monoply here, when in fact Ceph has seemingly been retired for many months now on this forum and Crysis 2 (more or less). In fact they have only resurfaced here once you came out of retirement. Thus it would seem that
the best way to bring an end to this tyranny would be to actually kill yourself. Have you considered this as an extreme way of getting rid of these fascists which prevail in Ceph? Clayton Bigsby comes to mind, here.

lol how true is this statement, if DoomShow was here it would of been perfect