I've been waiting for this!
Saints Row 2 is more like GTA than GTA 4 was, it's great. GTA 4 moved away from fun and towards realism/seriousness, and I don't see that changing in the future.
There are all sorts of things I always wished I could do in GTA 4, which I then found out were possible in Saints Row 2 (some new, some also in San Andreas).
- Mug pedestrians? Yes!
- Rob stores? Yes!
- 'Car surfing' on top of a moving vehicle? (Really, that's what I tried in GTA 4) Yes!
- Full character customization? Yes!
- Grabbing a taxi/firetruck/police car/ambulance/etc and do missions for them for money and other bonuses? Yes!
- Playing more minigames that are fun, rather than taking your idiot cousin bowling? Yes!
- Crazy weapons? Yes!
- Making other NPCs follow you and help you out? Yes!
- Getting rewarded for doing wheelies and flips and other stunts with cars and motorcycles? Yes!
Then there's other stuff, like when you steal a car and there's a pedestrian in the passenger seat, you can start a hostage mission. Or you can grab pedestrians and use them as human shields. Or throw them. Naturally, the better you throw them the more respect you get. Fun!
Shame that Saints Row 2 somehow managed to get a worse PC port than GTA 4.
I love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVV3MrQ4SpY&hd=1 where they make fun of GTA 4. There's also a radio station, I think it's the metal one, where you sometimes hear some Russian guy called Vladimir talk, and he sounds exactly like Roman from GTA 4.