Salakha'jay's guide to self-defense

Post » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:48 am


Salakha'jay (Bright Moons) is my Khajiit character.

He has at least nine lives and today he decided to test the efficacy of armour enchantments and spells by jumping into lava, using a few lives up in the process.*

This is how his naturally curious mind conducted his experiment.

First, he made armour and jewellery with the 'resist fire' enchantment and added some pieces with the 'regenerate health' enchantment.

Next he donned the protective gear and leapt into the fire getting out just before death and timed his recovery rate.

He repeated this daring feat whilst seeing how much quicker he recovered with increasing 'regenerate health' enchantments in place.

Not content with this he jumped in again and tested his 'healing' spell.

Finally he used up four or five lives by wading in until he died with 'resist fire' enchantments varying from none to 185%

This is what he found.

He confirmed what he had read on Googlerim about his normal recovery rate. It is 0.7% of his health rating (not in combat). For him, this is 330 x 0.7% = 2.31/s.

He found that 'regenerate health' enchantments increased this figure proportionally up to the 88% maximum in the test. For example, with +50% 'regenerate health' on his gear his health recovered at 2.31 x 1.5 = 3.465/s

He also discovered that the 'healing' spell boosts healing rate by 650%, giving him a whopping 17/s of healing.

Finally, he was a bit disappointed to discover that there is a cap on the 'resist fire' enchantments. They resist fire damage proportionally up to approximately 82%. After that, no more protection is possible. He wasted a life or two discovering this, while wearing pieces suggesting 132% and 185% fire resistance.

He was overjoyed to discover that with his fancy inferno gear on and using his healing spell, he could wander around on the lava indefinitely (his magika always recovered enough to kick in again before he died). This allowed him to explore every nook and cranny of the lava pit.


Don't waste your time exceeding 80% in total on frost, fire, shock or magika resist doesn't help.

Against fire mages, 80% fire resistance and the 'healing' spell should make you pretty much invulnerable, leaving one hand free to deal out your own damage.


Salakha'jay may be interested in conducting other experiments. Drop him a line and ask him what you want to have investigated.

* There was a point to all this, apart from curiosity, but it might be a spoiler if he told you where he was and what he wanted to walk on lava for.

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