I start at the bottom of the waterfall and spam the jump button to basically climb the waterfall against the current. If you continuously spam the jump button, you can hover the same area. All the while spamming the activate button.
With a little practice you can clear a waterfall area within 5 minutes.
That is IF one doesn't have the aforementioned shouts.
I stood at the base of a waterfall with my favorite bow. Aimed at a place about where it appeared salmon were leaping past and started firing. I actually hit one. Only took 15 arrows. It occurs to me that throwing fireballs or shock spells at a waterfall might be an effective harvesting techniques.
I never thought about that. Maybe the use of one of the Cloak Spells and jump in the water.
Easiest way to catch salmon is to go fishing.
Find a spot with lots of salmon and 'Fus' shout them, their bodies all float up to the surface. Simples
There was a lengthy discussion about this in a previous thread (I'll try to find it) where it turns out that getting roe from salmon in a lake or fishery works differently on Xbox than the PC. On the PC, players can collect roe by shooting or shouting the salmon. However, on Xbox, I couldn't get this to work. I can only get roe from the salmon who are spawning in Xbox. FYI, the easiest way I found to do it (current PC doesn't have shouts) is
Also, here's a thread with a bunch of great recipes: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1469110-fun-with-alchemy-your-recipes/
Finally, consider the quest for the White Phial and the quest for Sinderion's Serendipity to build up your alchemist.
Edit: The earlier thread about acquiring roe: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1468859-cant-get-salmon-roe/
Besides the usual Fus Ro Dah, you can also use Iiz Slen Nus (Ice Form), kinda poetic to see the floating ice cubes of salmon.
I tried that the other day, it didn't do anything. I have all three words for this shout and still it didn't work...of course I'm running with the Unofficial Patches, perhaps that might have something to do with it.
Haha, I do the very same thing shouts or no shouts
Think like a bear my friend, think like a bear......
I know! I love those things. I got them pretty early, too - and with a squishy character. In case you didn't look them up, they are part of
Good luck, have fun.
I had problems getting salmon roe when I first installed Heartfire. For some reason the spawning salmon wouldn't give it up until I went up a few levels. Odd, since any new saves would have it from level 1.
Anyways, damaging shouts, spray magic, and bows are a good way to get it. Actually killing the salmon instead of catching them in mid air gives you twice the amount you'd normally find, too. Assuming you can get both the fish corpse and the little pouch that broke off of it.