You can romance Curie? Isn't Curie a freaking robot? This is just getting way to kinky for me
You can romance Curie? Isn't Curie a freaking robot? This is just getting way to kinky for me
Two that I've come across but it might count as spoilers so I won't go into detail. They are definitely out there if you talk to people and learn their stories.
Gotta go play her story! Trust me, it's soooo worth it. By far she's my favorite and it's not just because... Well I can't reveal that.
She actually turns into
A lisbian couple in Diamond City, as far as i know. Haven't really given it much thought though, i just don't think about that stuff in real life.
Same voice? No no no. The rest? Yes.
Do her questline, you'll see.
Leburns you freaking NAILED it.
That is precisely what I thought and where I was going with my comment. I just had no idea how to do a spoiler tag.
I only did a "romance" (if you can call it that) with Preston, and aside from you flirting with him, there's no indication of who he might be interested in if anyone.
Seems like Cait and Piper is bisixual atleast, as they express views on a few females in the Wasteland.
Welp that settles it. Curie it is for my next character.
Well no, sort of. Its off-screen to say the least, but if you sleep with a romantic companion close and when they wake up together there are some comments. I will file this under - mods will fix it *wink wink*
Ah good not got that far yet but I'm glad it's not just flirty comments!
I just pulled a name out of my memory as I said, I've not played the game yet.
Thank you. Seems like it's handled in a way that should not mess with anyone's head too much.
Thanks, yeah...sounds all fair and fine to me. Someone must have put a lot of thought in how to handle this.
Yea and the little cartton scene with you in your PJ's turn into a cartoon scene with you getting out of bed and someone else under the covers. I don't know I think it just might of been better to keep romance out of it completly and stuck with a freindship type of thing. But then all the oversixed teenagers would flip out LOL
I meant accent. I edited my post. Seriously though I'm surprised they didn't add the scar.
Well. When you fully romance someone, you can get the Lover's Embrace bonus from sleeping in any bed with them around. They also say cute things when you wake up. I actually really like it.
And one time I passed enough Flirt checks to take a non-companion NPC out on a date. The screen faded to black and a few hours later I woke up in the Hotel Rexford with the bonus. So I'm pretty sure it means we bone.
I've been wondering what happens if you try that and you have a female companion with you that's also in love with you. Do you all three wake up? Do you just find the companion waiting outside the room door? Do you have to send them away first? Curious. May have to try this with Cait since she's more open about these things anyway.
Yea the singer at the Third Rail, I went back for seconds a few days later and the flirt option was still there so I used it but this time she tells me no. I guess I wasn't very good in "fade to black"
A bit off topic, that is my favorite place to just hang out in FO 4. Drink talk to the snoby bartender and listen to her sing.
No, it's a game. And this is barely, not really appropriate for a 13+ forum. Expect a lot of edits going one.
Folks, please let's discuss this subject like advlts so we can keep the forum clear of inappropriate comments.
It's similar, but Curie's is a very clear French, not something chopped up to sort of fit a specific origin in the lore. Still, I agree - there's a lot they stole right out of BioWare games and this is certainly one of the most blatant offenses.
Still love Curie though. Awesome character with a backstory that was so cool.
I had Piper tagging along and got to the stage where I could "romance" her. It turned out to be a somewhat awkward conversation that ended in silence, and then we went on yet another killing spree without even touching. Then I thought to myself "Hey, I'm gonna take my lass out for a pint" and got all dressed up in my snazzy Tuxedo and took her to the pub in DC. There we stood around for a while, repeating the same idle pvssyr that we built our relationship on. When I was properly liquored up I invited myself back to her place where we stood around some more before I undressed and walked up to her bed. There I was informed that the bed had an owner, and that I wasn't allowed in it.
We've been dating for a couple of weeks now, and I haven't made it to first base yet, only "have a sweet roll" level of intimacy.
So, it's not so much about same six relationships, us straight chaps aren't getting any either.
My buddy struck out with Piper too and he just stopped taking her with him he was so distraught. She seems to be particularly hard to win in general.
Are you completely through the entire sequence yet? Maybe there's just more dialogue before you're really 'together'?
Or it's just something they overlooked.
Oh, I won her over, success on the persuasion attempt and she calls me love and all. We just haven't touched each other yet. I fear it's going to be "one of those" relationships.