I bolded the important part of the statement. The reason that some folks are upset is because of past precedent. If the Falllout games had a fixed protagonist with a fixed personality and a fixed backstory both before AND after Bethesda, no one would care. If Elder Scrolls games had a fixed protagonist with a fixed personality and a fixed backstory from the beginning, most folks would just say "Oh maybe they are just making it more like Elder Scrolls". If Fallout and Elder Scrolls had been anything like, say, Square Enix games where the protagonist is always male and always fixed, no one would bat an eye.
Bethesda, at least historically, hasn't been Square Enix. They were a different company that gave players freedom to be who they wanted, male or female, with whatever backstory they could headcanon.
Anyway, no one is worried about the "extra special" orientation of anything, until it's forced upon them like this. It's not even about orientation, per se, it's about ANY major life choices being already fixed. It just manifests itself in an obnoxious way in this particular situation. Every quest you do, every NPC you meet, you are reminded of how in love with your husband\wife you are, which may or may not be true. You can't even roleplay a bad marriage. You can't roleplay a forced marriage. You are playing a happy marriage whether you want to or not, and that's just... weird in a game series that prided itself on the player being your character.
This isn't my character. This isn't your character. It's Todd Howard's character.
And it's just freaking weird. Did Todd get hit over the head or something?
Forget SJW and anyone feeling slighted because our sixual orientation is chosen for us. Forget all that and focus just on how weird it is for Todd Howard to tell you that you are married, VERY happily to a woman named Nora, you have a son, and you named him Shaun. Now walk out into the world and do the questlines and read through all the different dialogue choices that are ALL a variation of "I'm a concerned father and a loving husband". The best you get is "I'm sarcastically a concerned father and a loving husband". There's nothing else.
You really see nothing wrong with the direction Fallout is going?
A fixed, voiced protagonist is the worst thing that happened to this franchise.