Same six relationships?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:59 pm

The only "fade to black" scene I got was with the singer. I have since romanced Cait and Piper (who I also had a hard time getting) and didn't get a "fade to black" with either. You would think for all the work I had to put into to get Piper I would at least get that, I don't even like the woman to begin with :nope:

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:52 am

For a Fallout game (that's rated 17+) I'd expect a bit more than "fade to black". As late as FONV we had prosttutes and sixual references all over the place. Now I can't even bang my gf.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:40 pm

That's weird. It's probably just an oversight. I seem to remember in Skyrim being able to move into your spouse's house if they had one. Then again I could be remembering some other game.

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:02 pm

It is a bit off, I think even though it is rated at 17+ they are trying to keep it tame and in line for younger players. Look at GTA 4, it is 17+ they also have "fade to black" but if you go into the strip club it is very rated R. I remember all the outcry over the Hot coffee mod that you had to hack to even see and now look what’s in games today.

What I find even stranger is our outlook on things. Have all kinds of graphic violence, death and destruction in movies, games and internet and hey that is cool. Yet have one naked tit and it's "Oh my God hide the children" Sometimes I think our society values are really messed up.

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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:09 am

Is wveryone forgetting the Lover's Embrace perk? I feel like it actually sidesteps the "congratulations, you win a campy six scene" issue video-game romance generally suffers from. And it's a little immature to feel entitled to six kike that after going through the romance sequence, isn't it?
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:02 am

I don't think anyone expected a BioWare-level intimacy scene (which we wouldn't get anyway since this game has children NPCs in it), but something a little better than the awkward dialogue might have been nice. As it is, the dialogue mostly goes "I think we should be more than friends", "Ok we are lol" and that's it. In Skyrim there was actually a fairly well thought-out marriage system, and if you missed your wedding date, your partner would flip her [censored], and if you missed it AGAIN she'd never speak to you after it.

And you got a home cooked meal once a day if you DID show up at the altar!

I don't know. I know this is a Fallout game and not an Elder Scrolls game and they have so much emphasis on this first marriage, but understanding something isn't the same as not feeling disappointment that they didn't try just a *little* bit harder.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:48 pm

Thought the game was 18+?

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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:48 am

There are children! I just thought they were really short raiders! My bad. :(

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:06 pm

Its not, or some say. Well Bethesda knows people will mod the naughty stuff in, so why should they bother?

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Jessica Raven
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:55 pm

What the [censored] did I just walk in on?

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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:02 pm

Seems noone bothered to implement quite a load of stuff because "the community will mod it in anyway", not only the relationships and themes around them.

Kinda sad that the audience of an 18+ game is treated like a bunch of teenagers. Intense violence, gazillion ways of blowing living things to pieces and relationships are "let's be more than friends - ok, i will buff you if you use a bed next to me". That's it for immersion and role-playing.

Yeah I know this franchise is not about character depth, but I will keep hoping things will become slightly more mature and character-focused (or am I just spoiled by ME/DA?).

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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:02 pm

I know, and while i do prefer six scenes at the end of romances it kind of varies alot. Bethesda doing fully animated erotic scenes? Its going to be a nightmare. But it wouldn't hurt to add this kind of stuff to future DLC and games. I am just happy that romances are finally in.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:05 pm

Well, six scenes aren't really that crucial imho. Although a deeper, more complex interaction with companions/npcs would be nice. More dialogue, more options, more personality-dependent stuff. So far it's just the same 'romance/flirt' option to pick, no matter who the player is talking to. Some companions should prefer more witty responses, another would like it sweet, another one would fall for being a tough badass.

Making companions playersixual deprived them of some individuality even further. They are there just for the player character to "befriend" them, without much of their own preference.

I know such stuff could theoretically be modded, but full voice acting makes it rather problematic. And adding professionally voiced characters is rather unlikely for like 99.9% of modders.

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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:24 pm

Pre-2077 Fallout seems to be based on 1950s values. So the protagonist can be who they actually are instead of hiding behind a marriage with the weekly guy's night out or women's night out.

As far as the baby goes, he could have been dead for years. Taken out of the vault in 2187 and lived a full life for the next 80 years. Just made the first portion of the main quest pointless since the protagonist is looking for a baby that hasn't been around for decades. Seriously, how many people can remember a baby that was with 2 people decades ago. Therefore, the protagonist can do whatever they want since almost everyone they knew has died as far as they know.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:45 pm

Thank you very much for all of the respectful responses. I appreciate it. :)

Since I restarted at 16 (was levelling too fast with an INT of 8) and I've been building my fort I've not even heard of some of the people mentioned. Good to know that they have put in a system which should cater to everybody, though, even if that does have some drawbacks as mentioned.

Cheers. :)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:12 pm

Look, I don't care what you do in your game (or in your life, for that matter).

But it hasn't been 200 years for your character. It's been a couple of weeks since helplessly watching the brutal murder of your character's beloved.

If you're into RP, it seems like that should matter.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:23 am

Sometimes 'immersion' is a bit much. Why so many in the community are worried about their extra special sixual orientation of your character seems going beyond the realm of a game and into the area of acceptance/ social justification.

Heh, I'm more inclined to think the 'community' and their demands, is really just the obsessive fringe that is the forum participants. However, I wouldn't argue that much of the actual gaming community leans more on modern American liberalism (including devs), so their sampling is actually a majority representation of that in essence.

The comment made about Greece being the epitome of manliness, there's no doubt that some of the Greek states may have been prone to boy loving, but that's still a slanted generalization. I'd suppose though that sixual perversion was to be expected in some form throughout though.

If I were to pick a culture that was the image of manliness, I'd go with the Israelites - they put the 300 and other Greekness to shame in regards to heroic deeds and they believed in moral hard lines on sixually perverse things. I would never accredit real manliness to a sixually lewd people.
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Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:07 am

Also, it's not IMPOSSIBLE for five or six bisixual people to find one another and be adventurers.

It happens in real-life.

Is it unlikely?

Yes, maybe.

But so are ghouls and Super Mutants.

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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:16 pm

I take it as a number of months.

Also, in RL, happily married couples who are widowed tend to remarry quickly.

They tend to not deal very well with life without a spouse.

So they try and recapture that feeling.

Just sayin.

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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:02 pm

Actually, it is closer to 60 years after the spouse's death but since you are a peoplecicle at the time, it just seems like minutes at the time you get thawed.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:19 pm

I thing that is specific to American society. Meanwhile back in Europe it's not uncommon to see some full frontal nudity during prime time. Not porm, mind you, just naked people being naked, you know, kinda like real life.

I'm not advocating full six scenes, but a hug'n'kiss would been nice. Witcher has some fairly explicit six scenes, no problem. Even toning that down a tad would be ok, but for the love of the nine, jsut give me something more than an awkward exchange of promises. Like Souljacker says:

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:36 pm

I bolded the important part of the statement. The reason that some folks are upset is because of past precedent. If the Falllout games had a fixed protagonist with a fixed personality and a fixed backstory both before AND after Bethesda, no one would care. If Elder Scrolls games had a fixed protagonist with a fixed personality and a fixed backstory from the beginning, most folks would just say "Oh maybe they are just making it more like Elder Scrolls". If Fallout and Elder Scrolls had been anything like, say, Square Enix games where the protagonist is always male and always fixed, no one would bat an eye.

Bethesda, at least historically, hasn't been Square Enix. They were a different company that gave players freedom to be who they wanted, male or female, with whatever backstory they could headcanon.

Anyway, no one is worried about the "extra special" orientation of anything, until it's forced upon them like this. It's not even about orientation, per se, it's about ANY major life choices being already fixed. It just manifests itself in an obnoxious way in this particular situation. Every quest you do, every NPC you meet, you are reminded of how in love with your husband\wife you are, which may or may not be true. You can't even roleplay a bad marriage. You can't roleplay a forced marriage. You are playing a happy marriage whether you want to or not, and that's just... weird in a game series that prided itself on the player being your character.

This isn't my character. This isn't your character. It's Todd Howard's character.

And it's just freaking weird. Did Todd get hit over the head or something?

Forget SJW and anyone feeling slighted because our sixual orientation is chosen for us. Forget all that and focus just on how weird it is for Todd Howard to tell you that you are married, VERY happily to a woman named Nora, you have a son, and you named him Shaun. Now walk out into the world and do the questlines and read through all the different dialogue choices that are ALL a variation of "I'm a concerned father and a loving husband". The best you get is "I'm sarcastically a concerned father and a loving husband". There's nothing else.

You really see nothing wrong with the direction Fallout is going?

A fixed, voiced protagonist is the worst thing that happened to this franchise.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:23 pm

To make it worse, the sales for this game is through the roof based on expectations. Expectations that people are now starting to realize was just a lot of hype, but it's too late. The game is a financial success, and that's really all the mainstream will remember when it's time for the Fallout 6 hype train to leave the station. Or Todd forbid it, TES6.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:18 am

Like i mentioned earlier, a voiced protagonist and romances will attract a new fanbase aswell. Alot of people like these aspects from Bioware games, and will be overjoyed with another developer doing the same thing. There is actually a few guys and girls in my group of friends that wants to play this game now for these exact reasons. And i think its great, more players, more diversity. I don't see why Bethesda has to limit themself to what others want, just so they should stay happy when there are plenty of others out there wanting to join in on the fun. But i guess i am not making sense, we all want to go back to the silent protag, don't we? What i wanted to see its not just good sales because of hype, its good sales because it attracts new followings.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:36 pm

Like you said, there's already plenty of other games out there that accomplishes what Beth decided to do with FO4. I was hoping Beth wouldn't be another "me too" company, and try to break out of (or stay out of, I should say) mainstream game factory. Previous Beth games had carved a nice niche genre for them, but they've ruined that in favor of going mainstream. Sad, but that's where the money is, I guess.

There are plenty of companies in other lines of business that thrive as a niche product. I, for one, would've paid extra for a high quality product, instead of paying the mainstream price for a mainstream game.

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