I just got back from Eurogamer. I managed to play Skyrim twice - queues were quite long so didn't manage a third go, they reduced our playtime to 15 minutes to keep queues down. I'll be leaving this thread open for a little while so people can ask questions they'd like answered - of course I can't guarantee I'll know enough to answer every question, but I'll give it a good go. I'll update this opening post a bit later tonight when I have more time - I had my phone in my briast pocket and talked into it while I played, so I'll have to listen to it and write it all out later which I don't have time to do at the moment. For now, though, I'll tell you some of the stuff I did in general terms:
- Perk tree - I didn't have time for all of them, but I got about 5 more full trees
- Racial abilities
- Racial stats (yes, they are different according to race, 100% guaranteed
- Stealth gameplay
- Dual wielding - weapons and spells
I'll update later, as I said. So... ask away! I'll answer when I can, and I'll try not to miss anyone.