Sanctuary Hills Settlement Bug

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:19 pm

I've been encountering a very annoying bug regarding my main settlement at Sanctuary Hills. Whenever I'm exploring the wasteland I'll occasionally check the status of my settlements and, nearly everytime I've done so, Sanctuary Hills will have an exclamation point next to it with my stats being absurdly low.

Food 0

Water 0

Power 0

Defense 0


My actual stats are:

Food 12

Water 12

Power 15

Defense 30

Fast traveling back to Sanctuary fixes this problem but it doesn't do anything to fix my settlements happiness level which is steadily decreasing after once being as high as 77%. Thus far, I've only ever encountered this issue with Sanctuary Hills.

Any help regarding a potential solution or any word on whether Bethesda will address this will be appreciated.

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Eduardo Rosas
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