OOC: A nice long post

i thought id show life through the eyes of sebastian for a while
Almerion sighed and nodded, he did not like the idea of sharing a castle with guards who would kill them, or try to, without a second thought. But it was short notice and they needed to regroup quickly so he resigned to the idea.
"Very well, take my arm, help an old man walk Parthia." He said loudly to the pretty bosmer, "Help an old man develop a disguise and fool the guards." He added in an undertone with a wink so only she could hear.
He looked over to the shadows, as he expected, Sebastian was still watching and listening, as their eyes met Sebastian nodded and disappeared again, and began to run to the castle for a second visit that night.
As he weaved through the buildings heading northwest over the river, he removed a rope from his travel sack, winding it around his right arm three times and holding the rest of it in his left, before throwing it over his shoulder and tying it around his waist.
He liked Cheydinhal, the architecture was suitable for his needs, and the trees helped when scaling the city walls, which was exactly what he was planning to do. He grew level to the castle, parallel to it on the western side of the building, There where only two guards within view from what he could see, both at the castle doors, and both where to inept to notice him at a distance, he didn't blame them.
He placed a foot on the tree and pushed himself upwards, high enough to grab one of the bottom branches. He pulled himself up, keeping movement slow and minimal as he did, the more movement you make the noisier you are.
One of the guards looked towards where he was squinting, he didn't think he'd been spotted, but it was better to be safe, he froze where he was. He watched as the other guard walked over and they began talking loudly, Sebastian opened his mouth a little, he always found he could hear better if the small noises his mouth made when breathing or moving where released instead of contained inside his head and amplified.
He could barely hear what they where saying, the lactic acid building in his still muscles was beginning to distract him, he could feel himself slipping slowly backwards from the tree. Just in time the front door opened. He used the noise of the heavy wooden door on strained hinges to his advantage and scrambled upwards.
With a great push from the tree, he launched himself to the city walls, barely grabbing on in time. As he pulled himself slowly upwards he could see a silhouette moving along away from him, towards his target. With a burst of speed he ran along the wall, jumping off onto the walkway and pushing his elbow into the mans collar bone. There was a great crack as the combined force of gravity and momentum brought Sebastians elbow into meet the bone and the man fell down to the floor.
Sebastian places an olive skinned hand over the mans mouth and a knee on his uninjured arm to stop him from lashing out and making noise. With his free hand he pressed down hard on the guards ceratoid artery, the imperial struggled against Sebastian for a few seconds before he went limp and his eyes rolled back. He wasn't dead, he'd be unconscious for fifteen seconds. This was all the time Sebastian needed, but he still didn't want the guard alerting the watch to his presence after he woke up and his confusion and vertigo worked its way out. With a little more pressure Sebastian pushed down for a few seconds longer. The man was dead.
He toyed with the idea of tossing him over the city walls, but that wasn't a necessity, disguising the kill as a hostile attack would suffice, so instead of lugging the mans weight towards the edge of the wall, he loaded an arrow and drew back, shooting it into the mans chest from a forty five degree angle, he wanted it to look as if the arrow had struck him from a great distance downward. When the guards found him they would think a rogue bandit would have shot him and they would search the nearby woods for hostile groups who would pose a threat to the city. This would please Almerion, the Darkbrotherhood would operate more efficiently without so many guards in the city, even just for a short while.
He got to his target area, and moved backwards breathing heavily. The adrenaline from such acts invigorated him, and gave him reason to fight on through life. He took a deep breath and counted slowly to three and ran forward, pushing off with one foot and reaching out for the roof of the castle. He exhaled as he landed and allowed himself to slide down a little on the slate roof. He spent a few minutes trying to locate the room Almerion was in earlier. It didn't take long, he'd spent all his life mapping buildings in his head.
He unwrapped the rope form his arm and tied it around the jutting bricks of the roof, with the agility of a much younger man he fell and swung inwards, feet first through the counts open window. It seemed he was expecting visitors. Before Sebastians rope grew taught he pulled at the knot and it fell from around his hips and swung backwards, hanging limply outside the window. Sebastian himself did not land so gracefully, but rolled across the heath of the room, before straightening up and turning to see the count facing him unfazed.
"Good, you're here, the sooner I give you this the quicker you can leave me alone in my own blasted home!" He muttered quietly, not meeting Sebastians eyes. He held his hand out to the silencer, clutched between his fingers was a sealed envelope. "Take it, this is the information he wanted. Bring it to him and tell him it is all I know."
"Ah- that will be a problem." Sebastian said, his voice laced with velvet malice. "I'm afraid our plans have changed. He will be here in minutes to speak with you. You will tell the guards at the door he is an old friend you once did business with and he is just travelling through, they are to escort him and his two aides through to speak with you. They are to be polite. He is a very rich, aging merchant. You wish to be most hospitable to him."
"Would it matter if I wasn't?" The dunmer spat, jumping from his desk seat and walking towards the door.
"Ah, one last thing. Bandits have killed a guard, the city is under lockdown until futher notice, tell the guards, they will watch all known entrances to the city incase these bandits are to attempt anything. Nobody leaves, it is after all, for their own safety." Sebastian added with a smile, his eyes reflecting the coldness of his voice.
The count didn't say anything, he spared him one last look of up-most disgust before leaving the room to follow his instructions.
Sebastian sat on an over stuffed chair and waited for the arrival of the speaker.