Sanctuary Keeper Part I

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 am

Name: Serosi

Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthsign: The Mage

Physical description: 5'11, 130 Pounds. Serosi carries himself in a manner best discribed as "the aloof noble". One who is aware of his position but isn't constricted by it. His slim figure, flexible and abundant in lean muscle spanning across his long limbs and narrow waist line, though tall does not give an imposing appearence to most, yet he seems to exude an aura of "controlled viciousness" which can be best seen in his eyes. His face is mostly seen as unexpressive though remarkably handsome with sharp features leading to a confused contrast in how some approach him. His hair is dark and long in the traditional Velothian manner. It is tied in a knot leading almost mid back. The sides of his face are flanked by loose hair slightly wavey and thick. His mouth is small but carries somewhat fuller lips. Inside the canine teeth extend a bit more then what a mortal's would.

Short Bio: Serosi was left in the care of the Mournhold Sanctuary of the Morag Tong since he was an infant. There under the care of the headmaster and a fellow assassin he was raised and trained. The latter being named Anrel became a mother to him. As he grew older her role changed to friend and sister and finally lover. Due to the elven life span to the eyes they seem of the same age, though the specifics would be found strange to most humans.
Showing an unmatched ability in the school of Mysticism, he also managed to learn aspects of other schools. His unique ocular made him known amongst his peers and a few of his employers earning himself the epithet "Sanctuary Serosi" after the Dunmeri ability, a name of respect and fear although his distant aloof and cold nature has earned him few friends. His work has been mostly amongst Telvanni Mage Lords and Redoran aristocracy pitting him many times against the elite of both Houses. More prominently his work amongst the Telvanni has earned him a place at Aryon's right side. After taking care of one of Aryon's rivals, Serosi has replaced him in the Council and few are sure they want to criticize the current status quo. He is rumored to be of partial vampire lineage by the Aundae who have taken interest in him and so far Serosi has entertained the notion. Though aware of his partial vampiric traits he has only recently become more involved with the appearence of his "brother" a Dunmer of nobility in the Deshaan Plains of Dres territory.

This far reaching influence coupled with his ability all at such a young age has caused many harsh whispers to be hissed amongst the older Morag Tong members who find Serosi as a possible internal danger. Some have suggested retiring Serosi, though the specifics and manner vary on what should be done and how. Most recently he has alarmed the Morag Tong elders with his course of actions in Cheydinhal, unrelated to any Morag Tong orders.


A slightly curved glass dagger usually worn on his back with the handle pointing downwards and slightly at an angle. He has had and worn this weapon since his first writ of assassination.

Ebony short sword of akavirian style although straight. It's single edged blade gives Serosi the ability to manuver it on several ways and carries the enchantment to silence whoever is struck. It is often his primary tool to use when silence is needed.

Metal chain sickle and weight. This was a weapon Serosi had picked up simply for the rythmic pattern palable in the shifting weight as it is used. It is often used in combination with spell casting

Dres Kindjal-Sica, a curved doubled edged blade he recently aquired to suit more the fashion of the Dres nobility. It is made in a peculiar way by mixing adamantium and glass giving it both durability and light weight. The blade is rather beautiful showing the patterns of the intertwined fibers of the two different materials becoming one. It is often called "a lover's blade."

Composite bonemold/chitin recurve bow wrapped in boiled natch leather along with bonemold arrows.

An assortment of throwing daggers as well as needles. Serosi is never short on tools and collects the skills to use them like a noble would collect art work.

Usually around his limbs he carries wire which he manipulates either by attaching them to his assassin's tools or through arcane mastery.

Armor/Clothing: He wears elegant black shoes that leave mobility for his ankles to move and refuses anything but. He wears as well dark wide pants of smooth flexible and light fabric. The ankles are wrapped up in boiled netch leather. He wears a similar shirt with his wrists as well being wrapped in the same manner. Over top a Velothian robe of black along with a deep violet sash holding up his Kindjal-Sica is worn.

Misc. Items: Silver Ring of the Immotal on the right index finger. A wolf headed dragon bites its tail symbolizing immortality. Sorcerer's ring on his left middle finger enchanted to fortify magic and absorb one in four spells if fate would have it so. Two Black Soul Gems, a tea cup, tea pot and an assortment of different teas.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

Drynos stirred... his wine bottle was laid on the floor with a pool of crimson wine around it. He must've fallen asleep. He looked up and said "Huh... did I miss anything?"

OOC: I forgot about my part so... :P Back now though.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 am

"Then my dear count, will you consent to escort us to our temporary residence then?" Almerion asked politely, gesturing to the door with a slight wave of the hand and bow of the head.

"What do you think?" Sebastian mumbled in an undertone to Almerion as they walked to the door.

"Parthia is curious about the Dres noble, I must say so am I." He replied with a frown, the Dres ash born was a curious one, Almerion made a mental note to keep an eye on him, and if need be, a knife in him.

"She is? But she had not said anything about it him."

"Ah yes my dear Sebastian, but some people do not need to, look at her, she's quivering like a leaf. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She is one of our younger less experienced members, she does not yet know how to hide such emotions, or she does not know the importance of hiding them. Either way she gave it away a little."

"What would you ask of me? I could kill him in his sleep, or perhaps drug him and take him for questioning?" Sebastian's lip curled as he said his part, but the smirk fell from his features as he looked at Almerion, whom was frowning at the suggestion.

"That is not necessary yet my dear boy, not yet. He has not shown himself a threat. But I would ask you to follow him, if he does anything to arouse suspicion then proceed however you see fit."

"Very well." Sebastian replied, his brain slowly moving into a new frame of mind. That of a hunter. His chosen sport filled him with exhilaration, and the game was poised to start.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:46 am

OOC: Going to speed this up a little. Seems alot of people are out in limbo. If you're still here a little OOC post would be nice just to see who i'm working with.

IC: Andel unsuringly left the room with the others following behind. He tried to maintain his composure as the guards watched but when he was out of their sight his more fearful appearence took mastery of his form. They made their way down the stairs and headed toward a dark poorly lit hall way. At the end stood a large door that slowly opened when the count pushed it. Inside it was rather dusty though none could tell until Andel lit one of the torches inside with a simple fire spell any Dunmer child would know. As the room lit up pieces of furniture, covered by sheets although lavish when uncovered was placed improperly. Around the large rectecular room were several halls and doorways each leading to a personal room kept as tidy as it could be not having been used.

"Is this acceptable?" Andel asked rather proud of himself.
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James Hate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 am

OOC: Im still here waitign for the right moment for Velandris to pop in. He is stil lwaiting outside the castle.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:08 am

Almerion eyed the room for a few seconds, it seemed acceptable at face value, He would have Sebastian sweep it as soon as the count left.

"Yes, it is acceptable. I thank you for entertaining us as guests, I was afraid that something of a forceful nature would be needed." Almerion said to Andel with a charming smile, and a veiled threat.

Almerion waited a second for Andel to leave before walking to a desk and sitting down, studying the spines of several books which sat atop it.

"Sebastian, check the room and then get some sleep." he shot across the room.

"My lord, I am not tiered, I will guard the room against intruders." He answered from somewhere behind Almerion.

"No, as you know I do not need the sleep, you however do. What have I always told you?"

"But Almerion surely toni-"

"I have always told you that if there is a Lull in the battle, then you should rest. You do not know when the next opportunity to sleep will come." Almerion cut in, holding his hand up as Sebastian made to reply. His word was final.

Sebastian checked every inch of the room for a switch or lever which would let an intruder gain entry and kill them in their sleep, if they got past Almerion that is. Once he was satisfied with the security of the room he sank into a bed and closed his eyes.

"Good night Almerions."

"Sithis be with you."

OOC: Im still here :) heh, but i have noticed that hardly any of the Morag Tong are.
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:46 pm

OOC: I'm still here but by the way is anyone in the Undercroft with me anymore?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:48 pm

Ticedo had followed the group to their new room,
"This would work, however what is the security here" Ticedo questioned, "don't take that the wrong way however considering the nature of our work we are a tad bit pariniod"
He had always been one to have a back up stratagy, and security was one of the best plans that he could think of to delay a small army of guards.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:30 pm

Drynos stirred... his wine bottle was laid on the floor with a pool of crimson wine around it. He must've fallen asleep. He looked up and said "Huh... did I miss anything?"

OOC: I forgot about my part so... :P Back now though.

OOC: I'm still here and I'm still in the undercroft. Haven't had anything to do though. Sorry, I missed this post.

IC: Verus was roused from his thoughts by the voice of Drynos, who had apparently fallen asleep. He took a moment to finish his thoughts before responding. "I ran into a slight problem while interrogating the girl. The Morag Tong are here in the city. How many I don't know, but it seems likely that they are indeed the source of the fire. No doubt Parthia and the others are gathering more information as we speak, so once they return, we can formulate a plan of action."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:40 am

All of the other guests had returned to their room. Only Mehra and the young Dres noble of the name Serosi walked toward their rooms in the western quadrant of the castle. Her pace started to slow down falling slightly behind the Dres noble. Suddenly his left sleeve was gripped causing him to stop. He turned his head to face Mehra who was looking toward him smiling.

"I actually hate parties...when they end one by one the people leave. It's so sad. Please, don't let me be alone." The fine fabric was tugged on slightly more until he stepped forward following her. Serosi followed, and a slight smile could not escape her lips. Her head was bowed slightly as they both walked quietly on the carpet. Mehra's soft hand extended and pressed against the handle of the door opening her room to her guest. Her eyes had not adjusted to the darkness but Serosi could already see in detail a desk to the right, paintings on the walls, a large bed toward the left and a dresser against the wall. There was also a round table in the center with a single chair and an arrangement of candles. They were soon set alit by Serosi by arcane means. His pupils shrunk suddenly from the new influx of light.

"Your very nature seems to be very delicate and precise." Mehra spoke turning around. She stepped with her right foot on the back of her own shoe stepping out of it and repeated the process for the other. She walked toward the cabinet against the wall opening it up to reveal several assorted bottles of different liquors. "I havn't seen you drink anything at the party except your own tea. I'd like to share a drink with you. What would you like?" Mehra studied the different bottles of wines and brandy typical of aristocracy. Some were familiar to her while others she had never seen before.

"Anything sweet." Serosi replied standing by the entrance, his hands glasped together holding his empty tea cup. Mehra laughed lightly as she turned around facing him, in her left hand holding a battle and in her right hand two glasses.

"Make yourself comfortable, why are you still at the door? I'm not going to eat you." Her toes peaked out from the end of her robe with each step she took forward toward him. She spread her arms apart slightly and pressed her body against his gently nuzzling against the left side of his neck. Serosi's scent was breathed in for a while before she took a half step back looking up at his expressionless face. "You have so a gentle disposition." She smiled as she turned toward the table and placing the glasses on the table. Mehra then lifted up the sweet wine bottle and poured into each glass.

In the eastern side of the castle Parthia looked amongst the many chairs as Andel left the room rather quickly as soon as he was not needed any longer, tables and couches covered in white sheets. She wondered how long they would be here hoping she would get a chance to see Vincent at his home or the Mages Guild at least once more before his wife returned.

"Perhaps Ticedo and I could ambush and interrogate the Dunmer of the party in their rooms later tonight? I could use myself as a distraction while Ticedo places himself ready. He could be disquised and I could act as if I knew nothing of the situation. There's also the possibility we may just need to kill everyone that was at the party one by one but do we have enough people for it and could it be done by the end of the night?" She was wondering what could have made her say something so ruthless.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

OOC: I guess I'll let Velandris be known and get him in the castle.

Velandris sighed softly, he was gettign bored waiting and had no patiance left. It was remarkable how he even had patiance at all in the first place. He looked at the entrance of the castle and saw the guards walk in. Now was a good time to enter the castle and he did so. Running softly on the stone ground he slipped through the doors behind the guards and crept off to the side behind a pillar while the next group of guards went out to take the post. Whe neverythig was clear Velandris made his way into the throne room wich held many tables and covered couches. He looked to the center of the room seeing Parthia and three others that were not known to him. He slid his hood from his head and slowly approached them. Stopping several inches away from Parthia. "I hope I didn't miss a party." He announced himself. "Sorry parthia i was outside waiting to see if anything happened and well, You know how it is we wait for somethign too long." heplaced his right hand on his shortsword

OOC: oops sorry I read wrong where you guys where at Just gnna have Velandris outside leaning against the wall or something.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 am

"Drug him and carry him back here" Ticedo suggested, "however i'm not sure if I'll be doing much dragging" he said with a chuckle holding his cane up. "Anyways thats a good start" he said digging through his pockets and pulled out a small vial of brownish liquid. "Afew drops of this and he will be down and out and ready for interigation" Ticedo was always ready to form an active plan, and any form of action was a plan he supported.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:01 am

The news Verus had delivered awoke Drynos fully. Drynos rolled away the now empty wine bottle and replied "So... I guess all we can do is wait?" Drynos didn't like it in the Undercroft. There was no action, just stillness. The only sounds were the candles flames licking the air and voices if anyone was speaking. The air was cool and Drynos prefered the warmth. He hated the suspense of what was going on out in Cheydinhal. "So what problems did the girl cause, Verus," curious to find out every detail or the night's happenings "did she know who the arsonist was?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 am

Almerion smiled at Parthia's Spirit. She was a mage by profession, but a killer by heart, He was pleased by this. The brotherhood might not be doomed.

"Actually my dear Parthia, I am interested in the Redguard now that Andel has spoken of him. It may seem we are torn between the two suspects no? But I agree with you, we should kill them all, questions those of higher priority. I think you and our charming friend here" He said, gesturing to the cane holder with a smile. "Can handle the Dunmer, Sebastian and I shall question the Redguard."

Without another word Sebastian left the room, Almerion already knew he was gathering tools, he would only ever detain a target with Almerions spoken word. They had been working together for so long it was almost routine, Sebastian was used to Almerions whims and fancies, and carried out orders before they where given. He was ambitious, yes he was ambitious. But this did not worry Almerion in the slightest. Because he was loyal, Almerion gave him a home, a family and the lifestyle he'd been craving all his life, Sebastian could thing of no greater honour.

Almerion left the room shortly after Sebastian, but headed in the opposite direction. He retraced his steps back to the party room, drawing a quizzical look from the guards, but no questions. He was after all, a guest of the counts, therefore entitled to the late night wanderings of the castle. So long as he didn't cause any trouble that is.

He found what he was looking for and followed it. The Redguard's scent, it was easy to pick up with his heightened senses, the smell of his blood. Every race on Nirn had a different scent, some where sweet, some bland, some sour. It was a matter of knowing which belonged to whom.

In a matter of minutes he was at the Redguards door, it was unlocked. Almerion was pleased by this. It made no difference but it showed that the Redguard was not expecting trouble, he was not on his guard. So it would be so much easier.

He didn't wake when he opened the door, nor did he wake when a candle was lit. He only woke up when Almerion placed a forceful hand over his face and woke him, smothering most of his scream with his palm.

"Calm down my child, you are not in danger, I am just here to talk, you will forgive me I'm sure, you see I have a business proposition, you will nod if you are interested and I will remove my hand." He nodded, vigorously as Almerion finished his speech.

"What business proposition? Why did you have to wake me in such a way?" He asked, rubbing his mouth where Almerion had pressed against it.

"I had to wake you because I did not want you waking the castle, and I'm afraid I do not want the others hearing of our deal. You see, you may have information I want."

"You want information? What do I get in return?"

"Most of you're limbs and maybe the rest of you're life." Almerion answered with a smile, before bearing down upon him and forcing a wad of cloth to the back of his moth and tying it into place with another piece of cloth. The man screamed in protest but the sound was barely distinguishable. Anybody who did not have experience would merely tie cloth around his mouth. But it was not enough, doing that would stop him speaking yes, but sound came from the throat. He would not find it hard to alert the guards.

Sebastian took longer than expected, but returned laden with a number of items which Almerion could not yet identify.

"Now Redguard, follow me if you please. If you make a single move I do not approve of, you will be killed in the slowest possible way." Almerion whispered into his ear, measuring his voice carefully. Sometimes people would whisper but talk at the same level as if they where having a normal conversation.

The three made their way back to the brotherhoods temporary quarters without incident. Parthia and Ticedo where still in the room, Almerion winked at them as he walked past. Not bothering to explain the Redguards presence.

"Ah, lets get down to business, Sebastian, if you will." Almerion said jovially, rubbing his hands together, his smile revealing his elongated teeth.

Sebastian pushed the Redguard down into a chair and tied him into place, punching him across the face when needed as he struggled against Sebastian's hands. Once Sebastian was satisfied with his work he revealed the items he was carrying to Almerion, placing them one by one onto an empty desk.

Callipers, a candle, some vinegar, several knives, a cork screw, a chisel, a blacksmiths hammer and a bag of maggots. He left the room shortly after, but came back almost immediately with a bucket of water.

"May I ask, where did you find the maggots?" Almerion asked curiously. One eyebrow raised, his lips twitching into a smile.

"The dungeons, is appears that the guards use them for the same purposes which we do." he replied with a casual wave of the hand.

"Hmm, Lets get started then." Almerion looked at his tools, his hand hovering an inch above them each in turn, trying to choose his weapon of choice. Eventually he picked up the corkscrew. "Now, you will tell me who set fire to the sanctuary and murdered our brethren."

The red guard shook his head, his eyes as wide as saucers, sweat dripping from his brow. Almerion smiled to himself. Although he was desperate for the information, he would still savour the time he and the Redguard shared together, however brief their relationship would prove to be.

"You see, when people don't answer questions, I get curious about human anatomy." He spat, tearing the Redguards pants at the knee. "You're last chance, will you tell me?" More head shaking and sweating. He wasn't going to talk so soon. Almerion got to work.

The red guard fought against his restraints silently, he made no noise as Almerion screwed the corkscrew into his knee cap, but his eyes screamed louder than his voice ever could. Almerion carried on screwing downwards until the Corkscrew could go no further.

"Now, do you wish to tell us?" Almerion asked politely, he was replied with more head shaking, the red guard tried shouting words to him, but he could not hear him as he turned and picked up the hammer. "Very well." he finished before hitting the cork screw with the hammer, the man jerked wildly, his eyes streaming with tears, his head covered in sweat. But still, no sound escaped him. Almerion carried on beating the screw, before gripping it with two fingers and removing it without unscrewing. His knee was mangled, a large hole spurted blood as the corkscrew left, bits of cartilage and flesh where left hanging around the wound.

Sebastian stepped forward and placed a handful of maggots into the hole in the Redguard's knee, they would eat away any dead flesh and clean the wound.

"Well then, this gets interesting." Almerion muttered over his shoulder. Picking up a knife and heating it on a candle. After the knife started to glow red he pushed it slowly into the mans bicept, he shook and strugeeled, nearly knocking the chair and himself to the ground as he did, if it wasn't for the fact that Sebastian had him clamped in place by his shoulders.

Almerion worked for a minute or two before removing a large portion of the muscle, His arm was now supporting a large V shaped groove, Sebastian straightened it out and awaited Almerion.

With a simple fire spell, Almerion boiled the vinegar and poured it into the wound, a small amount splashed out as the red guards arm jerked madly out of Sebastians grasp before he was retained again, Almerion continued to pour, letting it stew with the blood a little before repeating the same questions again. The answer didn't come. Almerion was disappointed.

He removed the vinegar and placed a few maggots in, instructing Sebastian to peel the flesh from the soles of the Redguards feet once he was ready.

"The dunmer?" Almerion asked curiously to the two others in the room. "Are you going to fetch him or must I perform for you all night?"
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 am

Name: Seguri Palenix

Race: Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Birthsign: The Serpent

Physical description: Seguri's body is almost completely lean muscle, but is not apparent when he is clothed. In fact, he looks quite scrawny. His black hair hangs down into his face, giving an illusion of bad self-confidence, but the opposite is true. His eyes change in color according to the season. It's a rare disorder, Seguri's family being one of the few known to suffer from it. His face is fairly youthful, exuding confidence, or the opposite, depending on what the situation demands.

Short Bio: Seguri was born into the circus. A traveling circus to be exact. His parents were acrobats, and raised him to be one as well. He started when he was 14. His life as an acrobat bored him, oddly enough, and he wanted more. While the cirucs was in Morrowind, Seguri left to seek something different for his life. It was not long before he caught wind of the Morag Tong. Upon asking about it at their guild halls, he went and found their headquarters. He was found to be a natural-born assassin. He used his acrobatics skills to complete his writs. The Morag Tong proved to be just the excitment Seguri needed.

Weapons: Steel Shortsword

Armor/Clothing:Dark shirt and pants, leather boots, and a black cloak

Misc. Items: N/A

Seguri walked out to the top of the staircase, looking down at the party guests. He tugged on the collar of the finery he was wearing. He was looking for Serosi, and had to blend in with the crowd, or he would stand out far too much. Not many Morag Tong were really trying to look for Serosi, but Seguri was. He had nothing against the guy. He didn't really know him, but had seen him around. Seguri was just trying to get his job done. He made his way across the overlooking balconey. People were dancing across the floor in time to the music, this song being rather fast-paced. A Dunmer girl that had had a little too much drink walked up to him. "Wanta dance?" she said, slurring her words and smiling flirtaciously. Seguri politely smiled "Maybe later, save a dance for me, will you?" She giggled and staggered away. Seguri shook his head as he headed over to a far door. Such was the way of nobel women. Drink until they can't remember what happened that night. Especially young Dunmer women, who where promiscuis in general. He ducked down low and slid a lockpick into the door. After a few graceful jerks of his hand, the lock clicked open. He looked around quickly and slid in, closing the door behind him.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am

OOC: Uhh Taylor...what?


Parthia felt sick to her stomach. She had to turn her back at the sight. The image of the fleshy knee wound wouldn't leave her mind. She tried closing her eyes but that made it stick out more against the back drop of the darkness. Her hands were trembling but she tried to hide it as best as she could. What if the man was innocent? He'd be crippled for life. Was the Dark Brotherhood really worth all of this? And Almerion didn't even seem to care. He was kind to her but maybe it was also just for show.

"The dunmer?" Almerion asked curiously to the two others in the room. "Are you going to fetch him or must I perform for you all night?"

"We're going..." She rushed out of the room keeping her eyes off of the Redguard and Almerion. It was rather sick because it seemed as if he enjoyed it. A rather scary scenario played out in her mind in which she was a suspect of the destruction of the Sanctuary and she would be mauled much in the same manner. As she left the room she made a sharp right turn and leaned against the wall slowly sliding down against it. Through the robe she placed her hands on her knees as a shuddering chill raced up her spine in disgust and mental anguish.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 am

Never Mind, I dont know where the Morag Tong is. I cant get a EXACT answer.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

"I do not know what that was about, however I will retreive the dumner" he said with a grin and hobbled out of their temporary home. He did not know where he was going and ended up retracing Parthia's steps. He saw, and recognized the look on her face and felt some degree of mercy, he had been at this trade for a while and had learned to tune out the emotions that went with it, this young girl had not.
"Listen" he sighed soothingly from behind her, "I won't make you come with me, in fact I need someone to run me a favour, I left the majority of my gear in the inn opposite the real sanctuary, if you wish you may go retrieve it instead of assisting me and our archaic friend" he offered. He placed his room key on the ledgo beside her head and left without awaiting an answer, however as he walked away he shouted back,
"Actually you don't have a choice, retreive my gear, but how long you take is your choice" he said happily. As he wandered happily down the hall.

After several wrong turns and the assistance of several guards he found the mans room and opened the door, inside he coud see the man preparing for bed, and on his table a glass of wine. Perfect
Ticedo thought to himself as he poured the contents of his vial into the glass and rolled under the bed. He must have dosed off for a moment however he awoke to a loud thud and saw the dumner man staring back at him, the potion had worked the man had collapsed mid-stride. Ticedo pulled one of the sheats off the bed and rolled the dumner onto it. To any passer by the sight must have been odd, a crippled man dragging a dumner down a castle hallway however everyone he met fell for his alabie that they where close friends and the dumner had enjoyed his wine too much. He could barely get the dumner through the door to the temporary sanctuary but after several miutes of effort the dumner was drooling on the floor infront of the vampire.

"See this is efficientcy", Ticedo boasted "asleep men put up no resistance" he added as he leaned over an poured the contents of any other bottle into his mouth, followed by a single drop of a mysterious green liquid. The dumner man started to come to and manged to bleat out,
"Where am I"
"That is none of your concern however you have been poisoned and have aproximatly two hours to live, start talking and you will get the antidote" Ticedo said and pulled out a small glass vial, inside which was a dark purple liquid.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

Never Mind, I dont know where the Morag Tong is. I cant get a EXACT answer.

I already told you in PM. If that isn't sufficient read the RP like everyone else does.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 pm

OOC: Nilloc, did you just kidnap Serosi? If it was Serosi i think a great deal of character control was used, i'll add a reply when Immortal gives the ok (if that was Serosi that is)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 am

There's no way that was Serosi.

I'll write up the next thread so moderators lock when you have the time please.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:33 am

Closed for post count; new thread is here:
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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