» Fri May 27, 2011 4:10 am
Name: Verus Terentius
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Birthsign: The Apprentice
Physical description: Verus is a small man, someone no one would notice in a crowd. He's stands at 5'8" and appears rather thin. He has no muscles and overall appears to be very weak physically. He has oily, black, mid-length hair that's slicked back, pale skin, and hazel eyes. He also has an almost constant smirk on his face, giving him an arrogant appearance.
Mental Description: Verus is an actor. Whenever he's confronted with a situation that requires him to speak, he takes on whatever personality seems appropriate. He only shows his true personality among his brothers and sisters. When with them, he still rarely speaks, but when he does, it's with a calm and anolyzing tone that often contrasts with the arrogant smirk he wears. When in battle, his personality also changes, going from a calm and respectful attitude to a superior and mocking one. However, this aspect of his nature rarely shows itself, as he will take every opportunity to avoid combat. He is very manipulative; his acting ability combined with his powers of illusion allows him to easily deceive and fool his enemies into thinking that he is actually an ally and that someone else is the true enemy.
Bio: Verus was born in Anvil to rich parents and led a very comfortable life, always getting whatever he wanted. However, when he left his home, he was always constantly harassed, and he was extremely weak; too weak to do anything about it. So, he decided that since he couldn't fight them physically, he would learn magic. It fascinated him, especially illusion.
After several years of seclusion and study, his parents kicked him out, finally sick of his growing antisocial tendencies. He wandered for a few years more before arriving in Cheydinhall, where he was assaulted by several drunkards. He used his powers, making them attack each other before coming in and killing the rest himself. The next night, he was approached by the Brotherhood, and he joined without hesitation.
He now has something of a reputation among his brothers and sisters for always keeping his hands clean of the assassination by manipulating others into doing it for him, then killing the person he was controlling. Some despise him for this while others admire him, but all he cares about is accomplishing his goal and returning to his studies.
Weapons: An elven dagger and occasionally a daedric sword that he summons and wields together with his dagger. However, he usually sets things up so that he never has to fight at all.
Armor/Clothing: He wears a gray robe, usually with the hood up. It's worn from age and wear and has a great many stains and marks on it, showing that Verus doesn't take care of it. Usually though, he travels under an invisibility spell when people are near, so there's no one to criticize him of this.
Misc. Items: He carries a small brown satchel, suffering from the same wear and tear that his robe has. Inside is two apples and a loaf of bread, as well as a wine bottle that is filled with clean water. It also contains a few different potions and all of his money, which amounts to around two-hundred Septims.
OOC: I'll make my opening post tomorrow.