I've been a long time fan.
I would love to support crytek.
Has Sandbox 3 been released yet?
Or must I continue to refrain from buying Crysis 2 still?
I'm not buying Crysis 2 for its single player or multiplayer.
it has no where near the shelf life of battlefield / editors.
But I was happy I paid for crysis 1, due to the sandbox.
I would have never installed Crysis 1 a second time (After the first 6 hours of bleh AI? Gameplay).
Sandbox for crysis persueded me to install Crysis 1 half a dozen times.
I was happy I purchased the game.
Half Grass singlepalyer AI and Half Grass Multiplayer content isnt what gets my business.
relatively highest graphic content for any givin 6 months isnt what gets my business.
content is.
Im sure people have asked if Sandbox 3 is out, a hundred times.
Im not asking about yesterday, or last week, Etc etc. and all the threads I can find on the subject are outdated.
I wish to purchase Crysis 2, if it comes with an Editor I can play with.
Ill come back next month if not.