I've added him to the Minutemen faction but he still blows up settlers and whatnot. Idk what to do. I've hacked him but I don't want him to follow me, I just want him to guard the castle.
I've added him to the Minutemen faction but he still blows up settlers and whatnot. Idk what to do. I've hacked him but I don't want him to follow me, I just want him to guard the castle.
Huh? I had to kill that thing! How where you able to keep him? I didn't see a "talk to him" option or anything. I also didn't look for a terminal, was too busy fighting Sarge. LOL
Can you direct him where to go? Just keep him outside the castle and send him on patrol or something?
I snuck to him, hacked him, and shut him down because if I set him on command he'd still attack Ronnie Shaw or anyone else. I added him to the MM faction and he quit attacking Ronnie and other MM, but he shoots settlers now. I don't know how to make him part of the settler faction.
It's uh
AddToFaction I think
I added Sarge to the MM, Atomcats, and Brotherhood last night.
Everyone I've read treats him like any other hostile enemy. I don't think there is any way to make him friendly. He's meant to be fought and defeated.
Well yes hes meant to be enemy and defeated but sure using console commands you can basicly cheat into making him friendly(though you are doing that at your own risk cuz console commands can cause save game coruption especiay when used excesivly)
Thank you, friend!
I never save over the same file. My save folder for Stark is like... 5.5 gigs.
Why are we using the console when hacking's a thing again? What's the point of hacking bots if you can't program 'em?
Because hacking doesn't make him sit in one place unless he's turned off. I have him off in the Castle's armory. But if he's active he follows me and shoots my settlers.
I haven't tried adding him to the player faction because I want him to shoot synths.
I tried it out of morbid curiosity and he still went buckwild on the settlers.