Sarsaparilla bottle and New Vegas shadow box

Post » Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:30 am

After playing New Vegas I wanted to make some props/decorations for my place. I've seen that someone has already made fantastic Nuka Cola labels that I could have never done (luckily they are available to be printed). I only have the knowledge to use basic Microsoft Paint and with that program I made what might be the first bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla. I'm fairly pleased with it for now but as soon as someone with real visual arts computer skills comes up with one I'll be printing it and making another bottle. I haven't gotten around to doing anything with the cap yet but it should be easy once I get more printer ink. The bottle I used was a Yeungling Light.

I also thought of something cool I could put on my wall. I took the official New Vegas poker chips, a deck of cards, and some green felt and BAM! New Vegas Casino inspired shadowbox. It looks pretty good to me now but hopefully something else will come along that I can add to it. If I ever find poker chips made of the same material I'll make a decal for the Lucky 38 and Vicki & Vance casinos.

Something I'm going to look into for the future is a snow globe. I'd really like to make the one from The Strip since the Vegas theme is so tied into the game. If I could find a way to make one that is high quality I'd be pretty pleased with myself.

Sidebar: Here's a fun riddle I made up for those of you who haven't found the Strip Snow Globe yet- "The number 21 will win you a game of Blackjack but it didn't bring much luck to this little lady. I guess the house does always win." Don't answer in the forum and spoil it for others but say if you get it.

The pictures aren't all I wanted but it's only a 6MP camera so I had to make due. I think you'll get the idea.¤t=001-1.jpg¤t=002.jpg¤t=002.jpg¤t=003.jpg¤t=006.jpg¤t=004-Copy.jpg¤t=005.jpg
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Emma Parkinson
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