I'm just wondering, what exactly did you think would happen when surpassing 999 save files? Y2K? Detonation of nuclear warheads? Your cat begins to implode?
I'm just wondering, what exactly did you think would happen when surpassing 999 save files? Y2K? Detonation of nuclear warheads? Your cat begins to implode?
^^^I thought the same
I haven't had the game as long as most, so my number is at 2157. Though it was only yesterday it was at 2013 I accidentally jumped pretty high in Oblivion (from 4000-odd to 9000 or so) because I downloaded a savegame and their number was way higher than what I was up to. I always save in a new slot. I can reset the savefile number but don't want to. I like to see how far I can get.