I recently formatted my pc and saved the Crysis 2 folder from [username]\Documents\Saved Games Now I replaced the Crysis2 folder but the game doesn't show anything in the game. So WTF now? I was almost through the game and I don't have to will strenght to live through this from the beginning one more time.
start the game create a new profile, quit the game and check to make sure the new profile is saved in the same spot as ur other profile, and if it is restart the game and select ur old profile, because the location of the save game location is stored in the registry and until the game creates the folder the game wont look for it
You know what? F0ck this ****. What is the consol command for loading levels? Last save file is named 86_Convoy_295 so I guess thats the chapter I got to. God damn console ****.