Attempting to identify individual saves for each of my characters got a tad bit tedious in 3 and New Vegas. Since there was no way to actually separate saves by character, I just decided to have one save for each character and then simply rewrite each save as I progress with each due to me eventually getting tired of looking through dozens of saves to identify the correct one. However, this lead to moments where I accidentally wrote over a save file with one character, and ended up deleting my progress I had with another. Then there was one instance where a save file got corrupted and I had to restart the character within that file all over again.
I was very fond of the save folders that were used in Mass Effect. It formed save folders for each character instead of lumping all save files into one slot. This made it easier to select the characters I wanted to use and I never had to worry about writing over the wrong file as the folders provided a reason to make multiple saves per character.
I believe PC players could already do this with 3 and New Vegas, but it would be nice if a console junkie such as I could utilize the same organized save method. The exclusion of folders won't be a dealbreaker at all, as I would still get the game. I just thought having such a feature to sort out save files would only make the save system more convenient. For a game that encourages players to experience multiple playthroughs and create many different characters, it seems as if this feature would only make sense.