» Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:37 am
Limiting saves, checkpoints, etc, are nothing more than lazy ways to implement an artificial sense of challenge and thrill. Do you know why Oblivion's trolls (not internet trolls) terrify me? Why Oblivion's zombies give me the creeps, even though I generally find zombies funny? Is it because I frequently forget to save my game, meaning I'm usually at risk of dying and getting set way back? No! It's because Bethesda did a legitimately good job at making these creatures scary and challenging. The troll, with its speed and regenerating health. The zombie, moaning and limping everywhere (but still being relatively quick). Being dismembered by one of these fiends (or any fiends) is never a pleasant experience, regardless of whether my last save was from two seconds or two days ago. Because of that, I will try my best to stay alive during such encounters, even if there is no actual risk involved. If I get killed, that'll svck all on its own. But if getting killed means I also lose significant progress, well, that's just straight obnoxious.