The wizard in Markarth gave me the key to the Dwemer museum. So, I go into it, walkin around checking it out... Oh hey look at that, the key also opens a door in the back... hmm.. what's in here? A guard, who tells me I'm not supposed to be there, instantly I get 5 gold bounty.. okay np.
The guard draws his sword and proceeds to attack me.. I can't yield cuz my weapon is not out.. so I run. Long story short every guard in Markarth is out for my blood, and I cannot interact with them to simply pay off the 5 gold. I run out of the city, and by this time everyone is trying to kill me "omg what did i do!!!" lol
I have no clue, i opened a door in the museum which I had a key for and was told I could enter. Unfortunately, running through the city trying to frantically escape the guards overwrote all of my autosave slots... well luckily, LUCKILY, I found a save right after I talked to the wizard and got the key, and before I entered the museum.
Yeah... dang... be careful guys.