But is there no justice for the wolves? They have been vilified by humans for centuries, but in reality, wolves only attack humans if they are starving or if they feel threatened. So, unless every wolf in Tamriel is going hungry, couldn't some of them just ignore you, if you ignore them? I know it probably won't happen, but it would be nice to see, because I always feel a tremendous amount of guilt for having to kill them.
What I would really love to see would be the possibility of having a wolf as a pet. Dogs are cool, but wolves are even better. And humans have been able to tame wolves from time to time, so why not make it somehow possible to do so in the game, if you so choose? Personally, I would love to see that option somehow implemented in Skyrim.
Of course, if you still want to go out and mindlessly slaughter every innocent wolf you see, no one is taking that away from you.... :flame:
So, I'm sure I'll get jumped on by a lot of people who don't feel the same, or think it's stupid...but tell me what you think?