Gak, I'm not even sure what that is.
I don't recall doing so. At any rate, it appears they'll never ever forgive me.
I have combined most of what I'm playing into a series of supermods, Morrowind Amalgamated. (More on that in future).
The great bulk of what's running should be conflict free the biggest exception being Creatures which was plunked in as a test mid way.
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 GOTYFullTidyZeroMPPv2.01.esm
005 MPPCompilationNonGraphic1.1WORK.esp
006 GOTYSTMPPPatchv1.0.esp (Version 1.0)
007 CreaturesXIWORK.esp
008 MWsEComboStepwise05.esp
009 MWSEFliggerty'sFleeingFetchers.esp
010 MWAMLesserRetroWORK02.esp
011 MWAMRolePlayRetroWORK02.esp
012 AdvancedAlchemy1.3Work01.esp
013 Advanced HerbalismWORK.esp
014 PSsorticon.esp
015 CraftingAmalgTesterWORK02.esp
016 QuickCharTidy.esp (Version 1.2)
017 MaddLevellerWork.esp
018 SrikandisAlchemy.esp
019 TestingTweaksWORK01.esp
020 MashedMergedTESTWORK01.esp
021 MashedLists_TEST.esp
Srikandi's, Tweaks, Mashes and Merges have been made to agree with the Amalgamation mods and should have only a minimal influence.
All masters were cleaned with TesTool (restricted) and synched with Wrye Mash.
Yes, thanks.
That's actually where the oddness comes in. In a previous mod tweaking session, the savegame was left with doubling, missing interiors and so on. This time not, just other wierd stuff. Liquors, wood and stuff (part of Crafting Amalgamated) are routinely re-added to the world if I re-save CA (related to running the plug-ins as .esps rather than .esms perhaps?)
Yeah, nothing game breaking thankfully.
I loaded all above mods into the CS and no script is indicated. The bug musk (which BTW is at the Moldy Horker not Thirsk) looks normal too.
But one thing I did notice and didn't think to check before - the streaks in Sadrith Mora ARE a mod problem and they do appear to be where landscape textures meet.
Agreed and I do.
With Wrye Mash I:
a.) Remove debris cells which can build up after a while.
b.) Repair All, which basically just removes what's orphaned after a. (I alternate a. and b. until clear).
c.) Once per blue moon, remove spawned creatures.
Well thanks gang! That's a good roster of ideas to consider.
Already there.
Yup, tinked, tinkered, and tinkled as well!