Savegame Oddities

Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:40 am

So I've been playing this character for quite a while now and true to form I've tinkered with the plug-ins along the way. Often this results in the savegame having doubling, missing doors and so on. Well that happened a while back too, but with subsequent tinkering, that all fixed itself. Now, whole new sets of strange things are occuring. There must be some sort of database corruption; this stuff just doesn't seem to go away. Wrye Mash doesn't fix it. I'm wondering if anyone else has seen these or any other such things and if you know of any fixes possible in Enchanted Editor or something.

Here's the vid:

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:11 am

As far as the Ordinators, if you wear their armor in the city of Vivec, this is how they react. Also, during certain parts of the MQ, the Ordinators can be hostile under certain conditions.

As for the other issues, did you apply your Archive Invalidation? How did you set your load order? Did you make a Bashed or Merged patch?

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Rob Davidson
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:40 am

Wrye will fix your doubling issue.

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Haley Merkley
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Post » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:42 pm

Everything in the video is most certainly mod related. (moving to the correct forum)

And most of these are pretty tame errors... I see no evidence or suggestion of any "database corruption"

The Wizards Staff must have a script on it that is messing up. And the million Bug Musks??? Hmmm....maybe just a big mistake with a mod?

For general errors with doubling, using the Code Patch is essential. Especially if you add/subtract mods mid-game.
Using Wrye Mash correctly, to Repair and Update your save files will also fix doubling.

Also... how do you not go insane playing with your footstep volume so loud? :tongue:

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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:01 pm

Hmm...some very odd idea or two for you. I am guessing you have tinked with the original mod esps to get things more or less working. Have you tried in Wrye Mash renumber refs and/or repair refs on the mod esp itself? After doing this I would then do a repair all on the save game. Perhaps do an ori on the problem creature item to be sure what esp it comes from first.

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Kevin S
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:40 am

Gak, I'm not even sure what that is.

I don't recall doing so. At any rate, it appears they'll never ever forgive me.

I have combined most of what I'm playing into a series of supermods, Morrowind Amalgamated. (More on that in future).

The great bulk of what's running should be conflict free the biggest exception being Creatures which was plunked in as a test mid way.

001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 GOTYFullTidyZeroMPPv2.01.esm
005 MPPCompilationNonGraphic1.1WORK.esp
006 GOTYSTMPPPatchv1.0.esp (Version 1.0)
007 CreaturesXIWORK.esp
008 MWsEComboStepwise05.esp
009 MWSEFliggerty'sFleeingFetchers.esp
010 MWAMLesserRetroWORK02.esp
011 MWAMRolePlayRetroWORK02.esp
012 AdvancedAlchemy1.3Work01.esp
013 Advanced HerbalismWORK.esp
014 PSsorticon.esp
015 CraftingAmalgTesterWORK02.esp
016 QuickCharTidy.esp (Version 1.2)
017 MaddLevellerWork.esp
018 SrikandisAlchemy.esp
019 TestingTweaksWORK01.esp
020 MashedMergedTESTWORK01.esp
021 MashedLists_TEST.esp

Srikandi's, Tweaks, Mashes and Merges have been made to agree with the Amalgamation mods and should have only a minimal influence.

All masters were cleaned with TesTool (restricted) and synched with Wrye Mash.

Yes, thanks.

That's actually where the oddness comes in. In a previous mod tweaking session, the savegame was left with doubling, missing interiors and so on. This time not, just other wierd stuff. Liquors, wood and stuff (part of Crafting Amalgamated) are routinely re-added to the world if I re-save CA (related to running the plug-ins as .esps rather than .esms perhaps?)

Yeah, nothing game breaking thankfully.

I loaded all above mods into the CS and no script is indicated. The bug musk (which BTW is at the Moldy Horker not Thirsk) looks normal too.

But one thing I did notice and didn't think to check before - the streaks in Sadrith Mora ARE a mod problem and they do appear to be where landscape textures meet.

Agreed and I do.

With Wrye Mash I:

a.) Remove debris cells which can build up after a while.

b.) Repair All, which basically just removes what's orphaned after a. (I alternate a. and b. until clear).

c.) Once per blue moon, remove spawned creatures.

Well thanks gang! That's a good roster of ideas to consider.

Already there.

Yup, tinked, tinkered, and tinkled as well!

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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:42 am

By "Crafting Amalgamated", I presume you're referring to several Morrowind Crafting mods/patches which have been merged. I recognize the iron ore texture as the "Wonky texture" in your video. When I created that mod, I used a global search & replace to change certain static boulder meshes with an activator counterpart. The original boulders were deleted in the process.

The two can exist simultaneously under a few situations. If you have a mod which changes the boulders so that they get put back into the game... although a mod which changes an item that another mod has already deleted causes some ugly errors, but it's possible you've already gotten those errors and tweaked them away. Another possibility is if at some point you converted the mod to a .esm and changed it back later. One master file cannot delete objects from another, so if you converted MC to a master file at any point during your merging, the commands which delete the statics immediately prior to adding the activator would have been removed, leaving both the static and activator in the same place at the same time, which would cause the kind of doubling you're seeing.

As to the ordinators, the attack settings are done on the master object, NOT the reference... so if at any point while the ordinators were aggressive to you, you managed to either kill one or simply get close enough that it decided to attack (or as you suggested, you got caught thieving by one), then the object ID of that ordinator would have the fight setting changed to 100 and every single ordinator using that same object ID will want to kill you. To test this, open the console and click on the ordinators that are still aggressive and see if they share a common object ID. If so, use the "setfight" function in the console to return them to normal (a value of 30 by default) and then use "stopcombat player" to get them to stop fighting.

The odd streaks aren't linked to paths or to borders, but one of the streaks I saw in your video of Sadrith Mora (1:56) seems to correspond to a rather ugly seam between textures. I can't help but wonder if they aren't specifically associated with one or more mods designed to smooth texture transitions.

The static books could be caused by a mod which adds scripts to the books, such as book rotate. If the script contains an "If ( OnActivate == 1 )" command, the activation sequence is overridden. If the script then gets corrupted, it could prevent the book from every being activated. The book would then refuse to be picked up or read. Use "toggle full help (TFH)" in the console to check if the books have a script on them. If so, knowing the name of the script will help you track down the culprit.

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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:48 pm

An slightly easier way to fix all your ordinators at one time would be to just run the script

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Rachel Cafferty
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