I save very often, i have ~50 hours of playtime and 106 saves. I heard some players lost her saves or get corrupted files so i saved that often.
Yesterday i tried to load the save #106 and the game crashed, i tried again and crash, i tried save #105 and crash... tried that to save #100 and it works...
I checked older saves and saw that i dont have save #1 to #6 anymore, seems like its overwritten or just deleted, now i cant save anymore cause every new save has a higher number than 100 even if i delete some older saves from my FalloutNV folder.
I still can load an old save but if i save i cant load it cause of crash... i have ~50 hours of playing and it seems the story has still 50 hours left... i cant play these without any break.
This game is broken for me now as long as i dont get a fix or any help.