I've made a mod that I've been testing via a playthrough of the game. I have a save file from when the character was level 1, and my current savegame has the character at level 5.
For the level 1 character, saving the game takes less than a second.
For the level 5 character, saving the game takes about 20-30 seconds.
I disabled each other mod to no effect. Then I kept all my other mods on while I disabled the mod I had made and saving for my level 5 now took less than 1 second. So I determined that my mod was the problem.
But while I was constructing the mod (not this playthrough), I had a level 10 character that can save in less than a second (but without any other mods active).
As I leveled the playthrough character, the saves got longer and longer. Also as I leveled him, the mod changes certain values original to my mod (global variables original to my mod, and the charge of an item original to my mod).
The difference between my level 10 test character and the level 5 playthrough character is how the variables were changed. For test purposes, I changed the values of the level 10 character from the console. But the level 5 character has NPC dialogue result scripts change the values.
Basically, I'm thinking that making numerous changes causes saving to be slower because it has more changes to save.
But really all the changes are done to global variables, quest variables, and charge through the ModObjectCharge function. There isn't any savegame bloating going on, just long save times (which are really aggravating). Are these kinds of changes logged, resulting in longer save times? I doubt it, but I can't think of any other explanation, which is why I'm here.
But now that I think about it, I also have some spells that cast from activators. I use persistent activators and use the MoveTo function rather than any kind of PlaceAtMe construction. However, I don't always have them return to the dummy cell they're usually placed in. Would the constant changing of an activator's location burden the save game with extra information?
Thanks in advance,