OOC: Come on guys, cut me some slack and slow down a bit, I have school now you know?

Aluna looked up from her book at the sound of a voice like gravel.
"So... Argonian, how did you acquire such a fine staff, I hear that Prince Sheogorath is rather tricky."
A Dunmer? A Dunmer from Morrowind to be exact judging by the facial tatoos. Immediately she turned back to her book, ignoring him. She did not like Dunmers at the best of times. And at the worst of times, they were Ashlanders. Though that didn't seem to bother the him, as he was already beginning to speak to someone else. But before she had even begun searching for her place she noticed that the room was not nearly as empty as it was before. The man the Dunmer had been spoke to, a naked Breton who was thoroughly battle scarred, was sitting himself down looking slightly worried. Setting her book down with a face of confusion and slight disgust, Aluna had noticed that the Dunmer was also heavily armored and wielding the Daedric Crescent. A voice rang out beside her, the voice of a Khajiit.
"I'd be careful where announce your priceless Artifacts, sera," The voice said, apparently amused. "There may be an invisible thief sitting two chairs down from you."
Aluna looked into the nothingness next to her, and noticed a new bag had appeared beside her own. She must've been reading a very good book to miss so much at once. Sheogorath's followers can weave such interesting tales though Aluna was surprised that they were able to write them down. The Dunmer replied to the voice angrily.
"If you so much as look them, I'll send your thieving soul straight to Oblivion. I've done it before, and I still hear their screams."
Aluna knew that the Dunmer were the masters of drama, and she didn't expect any less as she rolled her eyes at this theatrical, slightly rehearsed sounding, remark. Even more so, due to the fact it was directed towards a seemingly joking voice that had no face. Truly, her distaste of the Dunmer,
and their sense of humor, was not misplaced.
A moment later, a Redguard brandishing the unmistakable Spell Breaker, entered the room. He paused a moment, looked towards Aluna, then the Dunmer, down to the bag she now assumed belonged to the faceless voice, and then he noticed , surprisingly at the last moment, the naked man sitting across the table. He sat down on the other side of the invisble voice without saying a word, and seemed to be sitting just opposite from the naked Breton.
The chancellor walked in. Aluna sat up.
"Hmm, so few, and yet some are rather well suited to this occasion... other however... "
Aluna replied in her mind, even though the Chancellor was obviously referring to the naked man.
"Well some of us can only be so wealthy when all they do is make deliveries for fat Mage's" The chancellor continued, his tone becoming more serious.
"You have all been called here for a special reason. I'm sure more will be on their way, but for now I shall give a little taste of what is happening in Tamriel. Not only has the Oblivion Crisis swept across our land, those damned gates spawning all sorts of hellish thing. But now, the great Akiviri nation is on our door-step. Anvil and Leyawiin are lost,"
This information struck Aluna's in the chest. Her father lived in Leyawiin.
" as in the entire Eastern Seaboard of Morrowind, the ones who landed in Black Marsh have almost no chance of survival. But another, much larger force, has landed on the beaches of Elsweyr. If these forces reach each-other, in the very center of Tamriel, hope is lost for us." The Chancellor took a drink. "I'm putting you all in charge of a group of blades, 62 strong. You will go into the cities and villages, train them in warfare, and do everything in your power to quell this invasion."
Aluna was about to reply in objection, her having no experience in the training of anything, let alone soldiers, when she was interrupted by the sound of grinding stones.
"Did all of you get that?" The Dunmer said aloud, apparently amused by himself. Aluna scoffed.
Suddenly, after a series of bangs and grunts, a huge man burst through the doors, almost just as naked as the breton.
“I didn’t get that. Where is my chewing letter? He had none!” He said to himself with a booming voice. Then his eyes fell on Aluna. She nearly jumped out of her seat as he screamed "What's THAT!" and began sprinting towards her, only just to fall to his knees. “My lady, I am at your service!” He looked up and asked in a strangely childish voice “Do you have kitties?”
"Who are you, and what on Nirn are you doing here!" The chancellor demanded. The Dunmer stood and replied "Chancellor look, He carries the BiPolar Blade, it was made in Mournhold. I think he's here for the same reason as we are."
The chancellor looked at the huge Nord, gaping before saying in an uncertain tone. "Very well, but did he have to throw the guard?"
The Dunmer said, again with his throaty gutteral noise that was reminiscent of a chuckle, "Okay, if we could all regain a bit of composure, I believe the Chancellor wants to explain a bit more."
Aluna looked up to the ceiling groaning loudly, she was patient. Now she couldn't handle it anymore. She waited for the naked Breton to finish his lovely speech of supposed self sacrifice before speaking for the first time.
"Oh please! I was under the impression that something important was supposed to be taking place, not this... Circus act!" She looked up at the Nord now sitting next to her in a heap of rubble. "I didn't even know why I was here to begin with, because unlike everyone one else's letters, mine was pretty damn vague. And before I know it, I'm surrounded with insane people and being told I was being put in charge of a platoon and even try to do something about those gates to Oblivion! I mean..." She threw her hands over her eyes and sighed "I don't even know what to do. This is all just a little too heavy for me... Obviously you want my ring and staff, but I might just have to decline." Aluna stood up and reached for her bag and the Wabbajack. "My father lives in Leyawiin you know?" The sound of distress rose in her voice. "I was only here in the city to get some damned supplies from the University. I didn't even know the Akaviri were here yet..." She glared at the Chancellor "And on such short notice. I understand that you're desperate, but really, all you could scrounge up was this? The only one here I could only remotely believe was competent for this task is that Dunmer who's obviously full of himself. And one of these sick parodies of the savior you're looking for, I can't even see, and that Redguard hasn't even said a word!"
She hoisted her bag over her shoulder, grabbed the Wabbajack, and walked towards the exit.