That makes a little more sense, but still, I think training would be more for the Legion, or at very least the city garrisons. I wouldn't think the Blades would get involved in such mundane things like that.
But its your RP so I'll just shut my mouth

Raccal watched the next few inutes of conversation with little interest, though he noted a few of them seemed to agree with him. As the Dunmer stepped up and began a rousing speech however, Raccal began furrowing his brow in disagreement, and shaking his head as the mer began talking about killing in the hundreds, like they were heroes of old.
He stood up, but before he could speak a messanger burst into the room, and said frantically that the Waterfront was under attack. Raccal's immediate reaction was he starpped on his shield, hooked his spear to his back, and pulled out his sling, making sure it was in working order, but he froze in the spot as the Dunmer asked if the rest of them were in.
He had to say something to this delusional mer. "I will help the Empire because as a member of the Legion, and I took an oath to protect the Empire until I am released or until my dying breath." he said, looking around at the others, before turning back to the Dunmer.
"But you say we will kill hundreds. You speak as if we are heroes of legend, crafted by the Gods to destroy evil and 'bring balance'." he said the last part with a hint of sarcasm, though he continued quickly to avoid being interrupted. "I don't know where you get these delusions from, but I know I am a simple man, who is only here by chance because I found this shield," he held up his left arm where Spell Breaker was strapped, "and a call was sent for men or women with Artifacts of old."
He paused again, shaking his head. "I will fight at the Waterfront, but only because my job is fighting at the Waterfront. I will fight side by side with all of you down there, but after that I cannot see myself in any of your company."
And with that, he fell silent, waiting for any response while itching to get down to defend his country.