Its a new engine and the same world size and content as Oblivion so I'm going to say a 2 or 3. Oblivion in all the years I played I never experianced bugs or glitches. Fallout 3 had alot and F NV was horrible.
Why do you hate Bioware so much? The Mass Effect games are great and Dragon Age Origins is currently my favorite RPG of All Time. Neither has teally ANY bugs that I've found. DA2 was a letdown yes, but Don't troll because of one mistake in a long line of huge success.
Andwith that, my guess is around 4-5 on the bugginess scale.
DA origions? Hahahaha talk about a generic RPG right there.
Open world games have more bugs than corridor romps. If the scale from 1 to 10 is relative to other games, I can't imagine anything under a 7. ...And that's a price I'm more than willing to pay.
For me I assume it will be around a 3 or 4. I didn't experience many bugs in the fallout games and I think it's because most of the bugs are memory issues that show up after like 5-6 hours of gaming straight, and that's a rarity for me.
3 or 4 some rare small issues that may cause a raised eyebrow and a declaration of "that aint right..." with a game world the size of an elder scrolls game theres bound to be some issues until theres better technology
1 - 10 isn't really an objective scale. Some people might say that the game is a '5' because of three bugs. While other might think this at more or fewer bugs.
How would a different scale make the perception of placement within that scale any less subjective?
I'm very confident in Bethesda Game Studio's ability to get this game out on time and running very smoothly. There will definitely be some bugs, just like any other game, but I feel like they'll be really minor things that are easily overlooked.
Given gamesass track record, it'll likely be borderline broke for like 2 weeks, the get patched to almost payable. Month down the road, it might be okay to play.
I'd say there is probably a moderate amount of bugs in the game at release that just comes with these types of games. Thousands of people playing will always find more bugs than their comparatively small number of QA testers. I'll say a 4 or 5, fingers crossed there are no game enders this time.