It's funny, I experienced less bugs in NV than Oblivion and Fallout 3 combined, hell it was even less buggy than Morrowind. Am I the only one that had no problems with NV? :mellow:
I had exactly the same experience. FO:NV was by far the least buggy release for me of anything Bethesda has ever published. I was running on brand new PC hardware, though, so that might have helped.
True story:
I was just out of college when Daggerfall came out, working my first programming job. Living with my GF and her 2 kids, and working 60+ hours/week. DF was exactly what I'd always wanted in a CRPG, and I was extremely enthusiastic about it, so I squeezed in time for it whenever I had a chance. About 3/4 of the way through the game, I got save corruption but didn't realize it, and it propagated through all the following saves, getting worse with each one. The game became unplayable. I wrote a cold, angry email to Bethesda about being tricked into paying for an early beta product. Within days I got an email back from a developer--I think Julian, but I don't remember, and ended up emailing him my save. He fixed it and sent it back. I'm still giddy about that to this day.
That response, and the amazing and unique character of the TES games (sandbox, etc.), has left me very tolerant of the deluge of bugs that usually accompany a release. It can take a few months, but BGS always winds up providing an amazing experience. I'll take a diamond in the rough any day, as long as the diamond eventually shines through.
Also: on PC, always use a save "system" with a BGS product. Save often, and keep a separate directory with known-good saves that you can revert back to.
If 10 is the worst, I'm guessing about a 7 for Skyrim. New engine, history of difficulty, complex product. It'll be down to a 3 or even 2 after a few months, though.