I bet when the community managers watched the trailer (and a good trailer it WAS) then saw the ending and went... 'OH F**K!' knowing what awates them in the morning. or they just quit crytek...
Whoever made this decision is the biggest asshole on the market. What a dike move on Cryteks' part these jerks need to get it through their thick skulls that their precious Xbox fanbase will FLOCK to the next Call of Duty and trade Crysis 2 in for the Preorder when us PC users will still be cherishing it. Maybe not now but 24 hours ago it was almost a guarantee.
Hasn't been too bad so far. I know there are a lot of people out there who may be disappointed by this announcement but i hope we can all remember that it's a mere 60 days to go before the entire world gets to play the full Crysis 2 experience.
Not long to go now guys We've got tonnes of info and media that will be shared in the next 60 days so keep an eye out for that! Thanks for your support.
i bet they pissed their pants when they received the trailer along with the orders to upload it on the web no matter what i believed they realised that a **** was coming, thing that the advertisemant managers didnt about an 8 btw