Actually, the main problem with leveling & enemy scaling wasn't the Major skills - it was stat bonuses. If you didn't "control" your leveling (which you say is bad), you might get crappy attribute bonuses as you leveled up. Meanwhile, the enemies were all scaling up at a consistent rate. Which meant that, it was quite possible for you to fall in power compared to the enemy - they got good attribute bonuses every level, and you might end up with +1/+2, depending on what skills happened to gain points each level. i.e, As you leveled, you got weaker.
And that's even ignoring the part where it got quite silly to see every Bandit / Merc / etc, wearing full glass/ebony/daedric as the whole world leveled up around you.
...but none of this is a problem since, as several have mentioned, they're using a scaling style similar to Fallout 3's.
edit: "Some enemies not scaling" is a good thing - it's nice, as you gain power, to be able to demonstrate that by squishing some trivial enemies that once gave you trouble. It's how they reinforce the fact that you're actually progressing.
And that's even ignoring the part where it got quite silly to see every Bandit / Merc / etc, wearing full glass/ebony/daedric as the whole world leveled up around you.
...but none of this is a problem since, as several have mentioned, they're using a scaling style similar to Fallout 3's.
edit: "Some enemies not scaling" is a good thing - it's nice, as you gain power, to be able to demonstrate that by squishing some trivial enemies that once gave you trouble. It's how they reinforce the fact that you're actually progressing.

Ow. I've enjoyed oblivion's level scaling the most out of any game. Not just can I become weaker through leveling I can also become stronger. Having the +4 +5 stat bonuses makes each level rewarding. I can tailor my character to my game style. The bonuses could have been explain better or important abilities grouped together. That's all.
I'm not keen on having different outside areas closed off because of my level. I hope the desire for level based areas isn't coming from old school nostalgia. It's no fun exploring huge areas and hitting a wall to hammer down another day. I prefer outside and main quest areas to scale to the player while special dungeons and small areas lock for the player to come back stronger. Dungeons are linear, outside is open, makes sense to keep it this way.
Both leveling systems are just two different ways of seeing yourself get ahead. Either go places so the area locks to your level and come back higher level if needed. (Skyrim / Fall out 3). Or. Get ahead of level scaling with stat bonuses (oblivion). The former is what will be done, while the latter is what has been done. What is done rewards me. I become stronger and more powerful, not just a carrot or cake to keep me happy.
I've never played fall out. I hear it's a good game but from the sounds of the leveling, skyrim will have a totally different style of play to oblivion. There's merit with the OP I agree with.