I am a descendant of Finlanders...please, make sure the voice actors PRONOUNCE THINGS right. A Finlander would pronounce the name NIEMI as NEE-MEE, not NEE-EM-EE. That is the last name of a Finnish hockey player playing in Nashville, and the Mispronounciation that most Americans and Canadians butcher his name with.
From what I remember from Bloodmoon, a Germanic accent seems likelihood. But while Finnish is one of the Nordic Countries, but the language has it's root in Slavic rather than Germanic languages. Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and even Icelandic have similarities that cannot be found in Finnish. Still, Finnish is by far one of the funniest languages to read.

What I really want to see is the theme carried very heavily throughout the game, and accented with specific "Skyrim" traits.
For instance, in Oblivion, we had an Imperial focus. So it was easy to envision the buildings, marble statues, and artwork you would find in Greece and Rome.
So if we have a statue of Deadra or something in Skyrim, I'd like to see it carved out of wood, like
http://www.taylormadeproductions.com/oldman.jpg and
http://static.zoovy.com/img/coolstuff4u/W145-H145-Bffffff/8/8965_wood_sitting_guy_statue_1v.jpg and
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3600/3566305007_f2ba741e43.jpg and
Good examples! I couldn't have picked them better myself.