Does one make the other redundant? The accuracy on the laser sight is amazing so what's the point of equipping that module? I truly enjoy shooting from the hip since I enjoy watching the weapon shoot and recoil rather than relying too heavily on the iron sights. However I've tried using the laser attachment and sometimes I find it unreliable in shooting moving mid-near targets since the spread is really tight and I've always found some slightly wider spread to be useful in those situations with point fire enhance.
I'm currently using the scar + grenade launcher attachment, cloak tracker, point fire enhance and energy transfer.
My style of play is typically run and gun + cloaking when in the open to move from point to point but what TRULY excites me is performing stunts while shooting such as jumping high in the air and shooting + sliding and shooting.
I'm quite torn apart in deciding whether I should stick to my current build or replace point fire enhance with mobility enhance since I enjoy doing said stunts and put a laser sight attachment instead. I use cloak tracker because I don't like heavily relying on nanovision when dealing with rampant cloakers.
Suggestions and discussions please?