Hi all, I plan on running a scavenger build who's tag skills are lock pick, small guns and repair. I was just wondering does anyone have any tips/strategies on how to go about scavenging? For example: what should i have in my default scavenge/explore load out? How much extra space should i have? And finally how do I scavenge from areas that are heavily manned/defended.
I think that you need to limit yourself even more, you can become insanely rich, insanely fast in the game. I think it's a good idea to NOT tag Barter, as you mentioned above. Will you avoid combat, and then use your Small Guns as a last resort? You're probably going to be sneaking around a lot.
A companion might not be a bad idea, if your character doesn't initiate combat. He/she will also be a good packmule. On second thought, maybe no companions, as too much loot means too much money and perhaps no incentive to scav after a while. Maybe Dogmeat, if you have Broken Steel. My experience is that if I get Dogmeat before I'm starting at the least the first quest of BS, then he dies easily. If I get him after this quest, he is a beast and will only die with extreme measures. My experiment involved 25 bottlecap mines, a handful of frag and plasma mines, me building this mine fort around Dogmeat as he patiently waited where I told him to, and then me trekking back to cover where I could start the test with a sniper rifle. Otherwise, he will own anything, and everything. He is also good for looking for things.
Most of my characters don't fit the main quest. So instead of figuring out the MQ in my RP, I use it as a vehicle to advance the type of enemies that I will meet. Currently, my character can wear power armor, so I've advanced the MQ up to the point where I have Enclave patrols everywhere, and that's it for a while.
What kind of scavenging are you going to be doing? Perhaps limit yourself to a high tech scavenger. You don't deal in miscellaneous stuff, only high tech. That's why the BOS and Outcasts are so keen on trading with you....<--- something like that? Perhaps you search industrial, science, Enclave sites?
As for the heavily-defended areas.... I dunno. With no companions, and a high sneak, it's quite possible to maneuver some areas without getting seen, using cover of darkness, moving from cover to cover, strategic Stealth boy. However other areas, not so much. You have to go on the offensive first in these areas, at least imo. At least get the benefit of surprise first. I like to set up minefield traps then lead enemies furthest away from the center of their mass, thinning the herd so to speak. This is my best approach for my weak characters who try to avoid combat. However, if I'm carrying a fatman... I have to give it a go.

My current character will not pick a fight unless she can outright win it. Endurance at 3 means scary times when people shoot at me. Anyway, my two caps.... sorry for wall o' text.