When we finished it, the teacher asked if we wanted a bonus question, and most of the class said yes.
The question was basically this: "Who is this? What did she do?" He made it easy on us... it was Hillary Clinton and she obviously was trying to be the president.
So, normally, when I absolutely KNOW the answer to a question, I usually whisper it to myself. I basically said to myself "OH! It's Hillary"
For whatever reason, he must have heard me and he came over to my desk and took my paper away. Then he said "Was that you?" and I said "Yes.." shocked that he heard me. Then he said to the class "In my classroom, we DO NOT say answer to tests out loud." Then he continued to rip the my test in half and he threw it in the trash.
After that, I just stood there amazed at what he just did. Everyone basically just stared and stayed quiet for the rest of the class.
What do you guys think about this? Should I go up to him next week and ask for a re-take?
This isn't the first time he's done this either.. he ripped one of my friends papers before because he was talking to the person next to him. ( I don't blame him for doing that, but what he did to me was ridiculous.) I think he has anger problems. He gets mad at the slightest things, I swear. Gah, I just wanna :slap: him so hard.