So, my school is officially the worst EVER.

Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:32 pm

Soo.. I was in American history class, and we had an easy test to take. ( About 20 questions)
When we finished it, the teacher asked if we wanted a bonus question, and most of the class said yes.
The question was basically this: "Who is this? What did she do?" He made it easy on us... it was Hillary Clinton and she obviously was trying to be the president.

So, normally, when I absolutely KNOW the answer to a question, I usually whisper it to myself. I basically said to myself "OH! It's Hillary"
For whatever reason, he must have heard me and he came over to my desk and took my paper away. Then he said "Was that you?" and I said "Yes.." shocked that he heard me. Then he said to the class "In my classroom, we DO NOT say answer to tests out loud." Then he continued to rip the my test in half and he threw it in the trash.

After that, I just stood there amazed at what he just did. Everyone basically just stared and stayed quiet for the rest of the class.

What do you guys think about this? Should I go up to him next week and ask for a re-take?
This isn't the first time he's done this either.. he ripped one of my friends papers before because he was talking to the person next to him. ( I don't blame him for doing that, but what he did to me was ridiculous.) I think he has anger problems. He gets mad at the slightest things, I swear. Gah, I just wanna :slap: him so hard.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:52 pm

I would definitely talk to the teacher, and if not the teacher than perhaps some school administrators. That is absolutely ridiculous, especially on someone like Hilary Clinton. Absolutely absurd.

To me, that just seems like the teacher is trying to make himself big and important when the contrary is true.
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:41 am

If your school has a Counsellor, Dean of Students, or Student Liason, you should approach him/her immediately about this issue.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:47 pm

Thinking doesn't involve your mouth... Now I think your teacher did something extreme, you just don't do that type of stuff.

Go see him early Monday before school and talk to him about it.

How many tests are there in the class are you gonna fail if you get a '0'?
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:41 pm

uhhh, you blurted out an answer to an exam...He may have taken too far by ripping it in front of the class, but you really shouldn't be a surprise if you blurted out a question, and he takes away your test.
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james kite
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:50 am

Maybe not say the answer out loud next time.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:43 pm

Thinking doesn't involve your mouth... Now I think your teacher did something extreme, you just don't do that type of stuff.

Go see him early Monday before school and talk to him about it.

How many tests are there in the class are you gonna fail if you get a '0'?

We take a test like this about once a month.. If I get a 0 on it, It'll definitely affect my grade..( drop it down by 5 percent or more)
And yes, I agree with you guys, I know I shouldn't have blurted it out, but it's become a habit for me. ( which I definitely need to break)

What I'm asking though is, what should I do?
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Amy Smith
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:10 pm

Rules are rules.
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:18 pm

Tip: Keep your mouth closed during tests. Unless you have a question regarding ***instructions*** there is no need to talk at all

As for the incident and the retake: Talk to your teacher AND your parents. Let them know your side of the story and have them talk to the teacher as well. Parents are more likely to keep their cool, not pout or whine, and teachers aren't as likely to deal with them as they would a kid in their class.

Edit: Or tell him you have Tourettes syndrome and that he has to accommodate your special needs as a student

Edit 2: Once you tell him you have Tourettes be sure to also shout random things out in the middle of class
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:57 pm

Rules are rules, but ripping the paper in pieces in front of the class seems a bit too much.
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Ian White
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:55 pm

Ask your teacher about a re-test, if they won't let you have one talk to a school counselor. When I was doing my student teaching the rules during testing were simple: unless you've raised your hand to ask a question any talking will get you a zero (this was school-wide by the way). Tearing it up in front of you is a bit extreme and if he won't let you retake it that also seems over the top even if you did blurt out the answer to a test question.

This will probably sort itself out, hopefully without the retake being averaged with your zero.
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Anna S
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:21 pm

I advise the surgical use of self applied duct tape in the case things get extreme.

Don't forget breathing holes around the nostrils.

I had a teacher who kept a basket of tennisballs next to his desk, and would bean us at those moments.. which I guess is better than tearing up you test...

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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:24 am

Misleading title notwithstanding, really I don't think the teacher overreacted that much. Blurting out the answer to a question during an exam - especially when you know that there are rules against it in this guys class (though really it is common sense) - brings consequences. That he ripped up your test is a mite extreme, but giving you a zero isn't over-reactive in this case, as you basically invalidated the extra credit points for those around you and made his life difficult.

Having said that, go talk to him and explain what your side of the story is and ask - nicely - if you could take another test or do some extra credit work to make up for the test you failed / he ripped up.

And if the teacher can hear you - I'll assume he's in his 40s or thereabouts - then your peers, who tend to still have decent hearing at that age, could definitely hear you. Unless the teacher is reading lips. :P
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casey macmillan
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:52 pm

You can try to talk to him, it's like like he can dock you more points. If that doesn't work, the Dean of Students or something, but expect them to side with the teacher because, you blurted out an answer. Also, be nice. If you go in aggressive, they will tell you to, pretty much, [censored] off , shut up, and leave. Best to try and svck up to them a bit, but don't get to ass kisser level. Admit you did wrong, what you learned, what you plan on doing to address this issue and that you are, or to use the method of apologizing (note, don't use this method).

As for your part, you really need to do is make a conscious effort to use your head, not your mouth, when you know the answer.
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:15 am

Yeah, you should definitely work on that whole "saying the answer out loud" thing, but I think the teacher took it a bit far.
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El Goose
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:40 pm

Ok guys, he said it to himself, quietly, it's not like he said it out loud, give him a break. but yeah, im assuming your in high school, and some of the teachers here at my high school do that on a regular basis, so I'm kinda used to it. ( never happened to me before though, I usually do great on tests :D lol )
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:18 pm

Obviously talk to him and explain it was an accident and you'd like to retake it. If's he's decent he'll let you (or give you something to make up the points). Though it is pretty much you're fault, and he might give you the "it's the rules" talk and refuse. Either way, no biggy. It's only 1 test, you'll still probably have an A overall.

Also, your title is a bit of a hyperbole.
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:56 pm

Misleading title notwithstanding, really I don't think the teacher overreacted that much. Blurting out the answer to a question during an exam - especially when you know that there are rules against it in this guys class (though really it is common sense) - brings consequences. That he ripped up your test is a mite extreme, but giving you a zero isn't over-reactive in this case, as you basically invalidated the extra credit points for those around you and made his life difficult.

Having said that, go talk to him and explain what your side of the story is and ask - nicely - if you could take another test or do some extra credit work to make up for the test you failed / he ripped up.

Actually, I don't know if you were here.. but, a couple months back, I made a thread about the vice principle over-reacting at me for something I did by complete accident. (Involved cursing)
Which is why I made the title "Worst school ever"

Teachers at my school are baaaaaaaad.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:23 am


Really I'm laughing at both parties here. You, for saying the answer out loud, and at your teacher for his ridiculous outrage. Ripping up someones test in front of the class seems extremely childish, almost like having a tantrum. I would most definitely talk to some sort of school counselor or administrator, because I'd say that's a bit too far on the teachers part. Sure, you somewhat deserved it, but couldn't the teacher have just left well enough alone and just give you "0", instead of throwing a hissy in front of the class? That's the real question.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:48 pm

Ok guys, he said it to himself, quietly, it's not like he said it out loud, give him a break.

I know, but in a quiet classroom, a half observant teacher will, more than likely, hear even a whisper (they're louder than you think). I'm just suggesting he maybe try substituting the answer with another word or sound, like "Oh!" or "BOOYAH!".
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:20 pm


First, as said, talk with the teacher.

Second, did your actions affect the others? Did they get a free point, or did you blow their chance at getting extra credit?

Third, couldn't your teacher come up with a back-up question? (ya, it might skew the "fairness" and test across other classes, but still)

Finally, I doubt you're in the worst school, but good use of hyperbole!
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:48 pm


Really I'm laughing at both parties here. You, for saying the answer out loud, and at your teacher for his ridiculous outrage. Ripping up someones test in front of the class seems extremely childish, almost like having a tantrum. I would most definitely talk to some sort of school counselor or administrator, because I'd say that's a bit too far on the teachers part. Sure, you somewhat deserved it, but couldn't the teacher have just left well enough alone and just give you "0", instead of throwing a hissy in front of the class? That's the real question.

Given the OP's track record with the admin I'd advise against him trying to talk to them unless his parents are involved
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:00 am


First, as said, talk with the teacher.

Second, did your actions affect the others? Did they get a free point, or did you blow their chance at getting extra credit?

Third, couldn't your teacher come up with a back-up question? (ya, it might skew the "fairness" and test across other classes, but still)

Finally, I doubt you're in the worst school, but good use of hyperbole!

1.) Okay. I'll do that.
2.) Sadly, yes.. he said "AND.. hence forth, these extra points are no longer valid." (Yes those words.. he likes to talk like that sometimes.)
3.) No clue.
4.) lol
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:45 am


Really I'm laughing at both parties here. You, for saying the answer out loud, and at your teacher for his ridiculous outrage. Ripping up someones test in front of the class seems extremely childish, almost like having a tantrum. I would most definitely talk to some sort of school counselor or administrator, because I'd say that's a bit too far on the teachers part. Sure, you somewhat deserved it, but couldn't the teacher have just left well enough alone and just give you "0", instead of throwing a hissy in front of the class? That's the real question.

Get your parents to say you've been traumatized by the experience. :laugh: Knowing the kind of politically correct BS about self esteem going around the school systems the teacher might get fired or something.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:52 pm

Rules are rules.

This. If a teacher sees or hears anything fishy from a student in my school all their exams get destroyed/disregarded. I know you did it by accident but how would you feel if you were a teacher and a student announced the answer to a (possibly?) important tes to the whole classt?
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