» Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:03 pm
In my opinion, our education system is a joke. My advice, (contradictory to others here) drop out of school, get your GED and then get a real job. Don't let fools tell you its not possible, it is a myth that you can't be successful without your HS diploma. Example: I probably wasn't the greatest kid, I attended 2 weeks of high school all together my freshman year, which i failed and had to take again, in which case I again attended probably a week of... I got sent to a National Guard youth challenge program when I was 17, got my GED while I was there. A few months after that I turned 18, and worked as a Correctional Officer. Made more than enough money to support a single 18 year old, I was living comfortably. About 2 years later the prison routine got dull, so I joined the Military... 3 years, it svcked but did me a lot of good. Now I'm in the reserve, working part time as a Correctional Officer again, and going to school with the excellent benefits earned while in the military. It sounds like it takes up a lot of time and would be stressful, its really not. I work 2 days a week, go to school (Well its summer time I go to school every day but during the regular semesters I go 4 days.) and do my little drill every month. I make enough between the 3 to own my own house and car and have enough time to waste away playing video games and sip jac at the club, and I'm only 23. This is just an example, I don't encourage anybody to take this route in life, it is simply possible to ditch that waste of time high school early and get on with the world. YOU HAVE OPTIONS CHILD.
PS. Sorry I don't know why I felt the need to write a book about my life on this thread. It just seemed like a good idea at the time...
Ahhh, TFS Abridged Parody 24 excellent.