yah I remember the good old svck ASS DAYS of school, thank God I graduated from college and I have a job with great hours where I get practically half the week as free time (well more than half

) and 4 summer months ALL FREE

, and I don't EVER NEVER EVER have to go to school EVER again.
actually I would rather be tortured by demons for 8 hours a day and not go back to that hell hole, and I was not even bullied or anything that dramatic, I just hated having to wake up at 6 am each day to go get bored to death for another 9 hours only to come home drained of all positive energy and wishing I would set my butt on fire rather than do lame homework, some times I have nightmares that I have school the next day and when I wake up its the happiest moment in my life cause I realize it was a dream... a land of darkness I will NEVER ever see even if I go to hell it will be better than school.
OK that won't help you
but focus on school, svck it up and get it over with, college and university is wayyyyyyyy better so keep that in mind, so only play for 2 hours a day and on weekends set the alarm if you have to, or if you have a PC set a shutdown time or something.
svcks to be you, but one day the nightmare will be over and life will be better, even if you end up as a slave in an alien mining colony ITS BETTER