School Trouble :(

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:17 am

Meh. I slack off all the time, but I managed to pass all my classes during last tri. I even raised my science from a F to an A in a month and a half. Im just good at procrastanation, but if you want my opinion, do your homework and studies before you play, or, if you can multi-task, do them both at the same time. Find some sort of pattern that works with both, like every so enemies killed you do 3 or 4 problems. Just set realistic goals.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:45 pm

Limit yourself, thats what I will do (except on release day, I'm skipping and going to play Skyrim from 12:00 AM 11/11/11 to 12:00 AM 11/12/11. :ninja:)
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:53 pm

rub two brain cells together and control yourself dumbarse
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:36 am

[censored] school. just slay dragons and screw hoes.

Kidding, reverse that last sentence (except the hoes) Its a simple decision: get to play a game immediately after it comes out and miss out on your diploma, or get your diploma and play your favorite game as a reward.

Cleaning bathroom's ain't fun, people poop in there, so get a diploma and maybe a trade skill so you won't have to touch poop.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:56 pm

If you are struggling to pass high school classes, especially before your junior year, you might as well play Skyrim.

I'll be a senior next year.

Last year I had 3 AP classes. I didn't make below a B and I did a total of maybe 5 hours of homework at home all year.

If you are on the verge of failure before your junior year... screw it
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how solid
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:33 pm

If you are struggling to pass high school classes, especially before your junior year, you might as well play Skyrim.

I'll be a senior next year.

Last year I had 3 AP classes. I didn't make below a B and I did a total of maybe 5 hours of homework at home all year.

If you are on the verge of failure before your junior year... screw it

That's some of the worst advice I have ever seen regarding a matter as delicate as education and school, it's pretty clear you don't value education as much as others so I don't think you should be handing out advice. Ignorance breeds ignorance and with that sort of mind set, he'll be approaching College with the, "[censored] it, why bother" attitude. A friend of mine didn't give a sh*t in high school and still doesn't give a sh*t in College with just under 6 semester units completed in 2 years and working a part-time job, of which he takes his hard earned money and blows it on weed.

If the OP wants to live comfortably a couple years from now, he needs to weigh out his options NOW rather than LATER, at which point it may be too late. I think i'll stop here, I'm starting to sound like my old man...
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:11 am

If you are struggling to pass high school classes, especially before your junior year, you might as well play Skyrim.

I'll be a senior next year.

Last year I had 3 AP classes. I didn't make below a B and I did a total of maybe 5 hours of homework at home all year.

If you are on the verge of failure before your junior year... screw it

That's awful.
I'm going into my senior year of highschool and from the colleges i've toured so far, they look mostly for improvement over your high school career.
So it would make absolutely no sense to not try at all. This is especially true if he is a D- student. if he can get his grades up this year, he's set for a very decent College.
Skyrim will be what i look forward to on school nights. Use it as a reward for finishing up your homework and studying. :) you'll do fine man!
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:57 pm

Oh...well...don't pretend you guys didn't play M games when you were under 17.

I didn't.

ESRB wasn't established until 1994, I was 17 in 1984. :meh:

Now...isn't this supposed to be Skyrim discussion, and not "Self-Help for School?"
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:13 pm

What does this have to do with Skyrim?
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Lori Joe
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:34 am

You're not supposed to play this game if you're still in High School... Well, legally speaking. If you're a college guy, no problem eh? Ain't the rating supposed to be 16 years and more? All you need is to study more and you'll do just fine with your gameplay. As long as you don't waste too much time online, because we all know the net svcks you in. Schooling is more important than gaming.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:35 am

dude i'm in the same situation. but if you are seriously worried that you don't have enough self control to prevent a game released in november from making you fail a class, then you should probably not even consider video games as a hobby anymore.

that being said, i still don't think there is anything to worry about. i'm probably going to end up with over a hundred hours into skyrim before january, and i too have school. high school isn't that hard. you'll be fine man.

edit: espicially considering that a D- is passing. whats wrong with you?? :tongue:
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:30 pm

Don't buy Skyrim before half school year after it's release.....this way you can focus on studying
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:16 pm

Just drop out, you're probably not fit for high school anyways.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:32 am

Ok im exited for the game and i do plan on taking a few days off to play but if you need somebody else to tell you something like this then you need to assess more than your school.
IF YOU WANT TO PASS SCHOOL THEN PLAY WITH MODERATION AND GROW SOME! ....unless your a chick(for the last part that is)
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:11 pm

He never said he wasn't in College. And you don't have to be 18 to play an M game. You just have to be ... mature (at least in North America).

Oh...well...don't pretend you guys didn't play M games when you were under 17.

Unrelated but a nice tid-bit, it was ruled that states in the US can no longer restrict game sales to minors as they are protected under the 1st amendment, the current studies trying to link child aggression to violent videogames are invalid, and personal disgust is not a reason to block something. Among other things.
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naome duncan
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:06 pm

Plus guys...rated m games mean nothing about age to be's about maturity level...and thanks for the helpful tips so far guys :)

If its about maturity levels, and your considering being homeschooled just to play a video game, then your probably not mature enough :/ You would give up your social life at school and all da pretty girlies so that you could play a game?
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:39 am


Work hard until Christmas, (I assume you have Winter Break for two weeks), then no life during winter break to beat it, and if there is still more to play, wait like 3 months till Spring Break, and beat it then. You don't have to wait the whole year to play and still be focused on school, you have those breaks for a reason.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:02 pm


yah I remember the good old svck ASS DAYS of school, thank God I graduated from college and I have a job with great hours where I get practically half the week as free time (well more than half :P) and 4 summer months ALL FREE :D, and I don't EVER NEVER EVER have to go to school EVER again.

actually I would rather be tortured by demons for 8 hours a day and not go back to that hell hole, and I was not even bullied or anything that dramatic, I just hated having to wake up at 6 am each day to go get bored to death for another 9 hours only to come home drained of all positive energy and wishing I would set my butt on fire rather than do lame homework, some times I have nightmares that I have school the next day and when I wake up its the happiest moment in my life cause I realize it was a dream... a land of darkness I will NEVER ever see even if I go to hell it will be better than school.

OK that won't help you :P

but focus on school, svck it up and get it over with, college and university is wayyyyyyyy better so keep that in mind, so only play for 2 hours a day and on weekends set the alarm if you have to, or if you have a PC set a shutdown time or something.

svcks to be you, but one day the nightmare will be over and life will be better, even if you end up as a slave in an alien mining colony ITS BETTER
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Timara White
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:39 pm

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you are struggling by your senior semester, then you've simply waited too long to seek help. That doesn't mean the problem isn't solvable, but you can't just go back and relearn everything you failed to study previously. So, you're gonna have to work even harder now, and spend even more time studying. The real key to academic success is time. If you want to do well, you just have to dedicate the time. The second important factor is quality of time. You need to make sure you are attentive and focused when studying.

Your options are to either 1) wait to get Skyrim until the year is almost over and most of your work has been satisfactorily completed, or 2) get Skyrim day one and risk failing your grade and having to backpedal and repeat courses. From a psychological perspective, since you've been unable to manage your time properly (as shown by your current poor grades) in the past, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it in the future. This means that option 2 comes with a high risk of failure.

Good luck.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:55 am

Some of the members have offered some good advices for you already, but I would also like to recommend night school. I remember during my high school years, a person I knew was in danger of not graduating, and it was our junior year. This person began taking night classes, did all his homework, and invested his time during lunch and after school for tutoring. As a result, he managed to catch up academically and even improved his grades. I would also recommend that you DO NOT get Skyrim until you graduate; that way, you won't have it as a distraction. Remember that Skyrim will still be around after high school is over, but if you don't graduate, your senior buddies will move on to college or whatever else they pursue while you're stuck having to repeat another year with feelings of embarrassment or shame.
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An Lor
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:08 am

Do not mess up your schooling. Do well, you will have cash for shiny computer kit, and all the future games a fat paycheck can buy.
Oh, and if it is such an addiction, don't forget excercise, healthy eating, and daylight. You will live longer, and get to play even more games.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:26 pm

Forget Skyrim. It's just a videogame and your schooling is far more important.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:01 pm

If I had a D- my parents would never let me play anything, hell I would probably be buried somewhere in the backyard. Get your grades up, you will be happier for it in life and then playing will be even sweeter because you won't have any guilt over messing up.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:31 pm


yah I remember the good old svck ASS DAYS of school, thank God I graduated from college and I have a job with great hours where I get practically half the week as free time (well more than half :P) and 4 summer months ALL FREE :D, and I don't EVER NEVER EVER have to go to school EVER again.

actually I would rather be tortured by demons for 8 hours a day and not go back to that hell hole, and I was not even bullied or anything that dramatic, I just hated having to wake up at 6 am each day to go get bored to death for another 9 hours only to come home drained of all positive energy and wishing I would set my butt on fire rather than do lame homework, some times I have nightmares that I have school the next day and when I wake up its the happiest moment in my life cause I realize it was a dream... a land of darkness I will NEVER ever see even if I go to hell it will be better than school.

OK that won't help you :P

but focus on school, svck it up and get it over with, college and university is wayyyyyyyy better so keep that in mind, so only play for 2 hours a day and on weekends set the alarm if you have to, or if you have a PC set a shutdown time or something.

svcks to be you, but one day the nightmare will be over and life will be better, even if you end up as a slave in an alien mining colony ITS BETTER

Your crazy, high school was awesome. Free education with your friends. Now I'm paying almost 10grand a year tuition(-2000 from scholarship) & working a crappy job on the side. I miss high school :sadvaultboy: in high school you didn't even have to try and you'd still get good grades.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:11 am

Seriously, are you talking about high school? High school is very easy, just pay attention in class.
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