It can't be explained by science. Not only can it not be, but it would be extremely lame and counterproductive if it could.
Well, in a sense, there are rules, even when they get broken. So... so, you could explain things with the scientific
method, but one's knowledge would have to be much larger than what even we know from all the games in order to coherently explain the rules and mechanics underlying the TES universe. It's like quantuum physics; it all looks random. Personally, I think there must be some sort of logic, even if it too complex for a mere mortal mind to comprehend and spans multiple dimensions.

Yay, superstring theory!
As for things be replicable, that's a stick issue to be sure. Many events in TES seem to be non-reproducible.
So, what I'm trying (and likely failing) to say, is that TES isn't completely random and there's no underlying logic. There's some amount of structure, even if it is wobbly and sometimes contradicts itself. But, for the most part, the hole Magnus ripped into the Oblivion will still rise, and gravity will probably keep you on the ground unless you decide to mess with physics and levitate.