SCIU Trade Glitch

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:24 pm

In Old World Blues, while trying to trade with the SCIU I cannot successfully sell items. The Items will go into its inventory but my caps aren't being credited. I think it might be an issue with the amount of items and money the vendor has. I tried resting three days to reset its inventory but that didn't work, any thoughts?
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:59 am

I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem. So far I've worked around it by using "player.additem f missing-amount-of-caps" but of course that requires the game to be restarted every time since accessing the console stops achievements being uploaded. Took me a while to realise what was going on, though: I only figured out that something was amiss when I went down from 45,000 caps to about 8,000 in spite of selling a huge amount of stuff to finance repairs and upgrades.
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:36 am

I'm pretty sure it's just an overflow issue and the trader isn't set up to handle all the items. I've looked through its inventory and it has everything I've sold it.

Meh I beat the DLC, but that vendor is perfect.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:57 pm

I'm not sure what's going on, really. Normally a vendor will have everything that you've sold it in their inventory unless you don't enter the same cell for the normal respawn time, which is three game days; though in Fallout 3/NV/etc they've taken to putting the vendors' chests in a separate cell presumably to work around their goods never being "restocked". That's not the case with The Sink's vendor, though, with the chest being in the same cell (hopefully that makes at least some sense!)

I've just taken a look and spotted a suspicious-looking script that's attached to the chest:

SCN NVDLC03SinkVendorContainerSCRIPT; Vendors don't seem to use caps in owned containers, so this script resets the Sink vendor's caps when the container resets.; TLS 03/29/2011BEGIN OnReset	If (NVDLC03SinkMainComputerTalkerREF.GetItemCount Caps001 < 10000)		NVDLC03SinkMainComputerTalkerREF.RemoveItem Caps001 10000;		NVDLC03SinkMainComputerTalkerREF.AddItem Caps001 10000;	EndIfEND

In itself it's rather inconclusive, but I have to wonder if it's the culprit since it's mucking about with the vendor's available number of caps.

I've conceded defeat in terms of finding the problem and decided it was easier to create a new vendor who doesn't seem to be afflicted with the same thing...
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