I dunno... Without getting too political, I think 9/11 and the War on Terror are quite important events to a lot of culture in the past ten years. Whilst defining the whole of Hollywood recently as "post-9/11" is pushing it a bit, I do think there's some films it has had a big impact on. And the whole comic book genre certainly comes into that category, although more the super hero films and less Scott Pilgrim...
Then again, I don't think the films in that article are particularly good examples of post-9/11 movies... Batman, Iron Man, Robin Hood, Avatar and District 9 would be better choices...
The only movies I could see being effected by 9/11 are the war and political genres. While I don't mean to downplay the importance of the event itself, I don't think it affected as much as some people seem to think it did.
Of the list you made, I could see maybe Iron Man and Avatar being influenced, one because Tony Stark is captured by terrorists, and the latter because you could argue it seems to be loosely based on events following 9/11. Batman and Robin are simply stories about heroes, and District 9 is about the Apartheid.
But, I'll stop here I think. I don't want to get banned for talking about politics, and the thread was never supposed to be about 9/11, really. My bad.