SCP Skyrim Branch

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:41 am

The reason for this post is twofold:

1. To show off what I’m doing to further immerse myself in the world of Skyrim without mods (as I am on console). I just hope that it may serve as a starting point for others too, as it has been a fun and refreshing approach to a game which I have already sunk >1000 hours into. Also, I’d really like some input into what I’ve set up and any other ideas that could make this premise even more interesting.

2. To keep myself honest as I progress through my current character, so I can look back and remind myself of the details of the style of play and collection.

I should say first that I’m a notorious completionist, and because of that, Skyrim has driven me insane since day one. Not being able to do everything in one playthrough is annoying, but in a good way, as it has expanded my horizons a bit in playstyles. I still collect every book I can, but I have had a bit of a immersion problem when trying to play in my standard video gaming manner. It is very difficult to justify to myself why a character would do quests against morals in order to acquire new things. This has especially irritated me in the case of some of the daedric quests which force you to do despicable things in order to progress. Therefore, recently I developed the below detailed RP style for my current character in Skyrim, and it both helps me fulfill my need for completion, while retaining a nature immersive in the world.

SCP in Skyrim

For those not familiar, the SCP Foundation is this:

For those not interested in clicking on links, the SCP Foundation is similar to the concept and practice of the SyFy channel show Warehouse 13.

The RP Background

For those keeping up, the concept here for Skyrim is to play my character as though they were a member of an organization similar to that of Warehouse 13 or the SCP Foundation. The goal is to collect artifacts that prove a danger to the stability and status quo of Tamriel. This does not mean guarding the safety of the Empire, but rather protecting the world itself from destruction or devastation. The Psijic Order already seems to have undertones of this if you’ve played through the College of Winterhold quest chain, but not to the same extent as I’m undertaking. So, I’ve worked up a separate background for the establishment of a new order in Skyrim, not the resurrection of an old one or working with another faction.

For my own personal background, I play as a rogue agent of the Vigilants of Stendarr, who broke with the main order due to disagreements over the handling of daedra. After being chased out of Cyrodiil, I travel to Skyrim to begin working to setting up my own order of followers to begin the search and containment of all artifacts dangerous to the well-being of all the denizens of Tamriel. This includes things like daedric artifacts all the way to dwemer devices to even some standard enchanted weaponry. The first priority is establishing a base from which to operate and contain the artifacts out of the prying eyesight of any government authority.

Personally I picked the Hearthfire house of Lakeview, but that’s only because the Jarl there sent me a letter first. After doing the radiant quests involved, I set up my house as a containment facility and forward base for research on artifacts. To do so, I’ve worked on building the house with only certain assets and rooms. I’m currently using a fully stocked garden on the outside, a library wing, a trophy room, and a greenhouse. In addition, I’ve forgone putting any forge or smelter in the cellar, but have made sure to complete all in the safes in the basemant. The safes act as my main containment area for the most dangerous of artifacts collected.

That’s where I am with my game, so far, and have only begun getting ready to go out into the world to explore it. Due to the investigative nature of my character, I don’t feel too bad or nonimmersive by going after as many skills as I can. Similarly, as a member of my own order, I plan to work to infiltrate the Thieves Guild (because they access private residences and thus are a good cover for going after artifacts), the Companions (to gain access to Ysgramor’s powerful battle axe), the Dawnguard (due to my own ties with the Vigilants), and the College of Winterhold (duh). The only factions I have a hard time seeing this character joining are the Dark Brotherhood and either side in the Civil War. I would like to hear any thoughts in regards to that if any of you have any for a reason why this character would join one of those two groups. My character will also be the Dragonborn, and likely will have a hard time choosing between the Greybeards and Blades. In regards to acquiring artifacts and quests, I’m playing as naturally as possible, doing what quests seem the most imminent or pressing first before moving on to other quests.

The House Rules

Once I have my base fully online and going, it’ll be time to go out and collect artifacts. For my reference, and your opinions, here’s the types of artifacts as I’ve classified them and the way I’ll store them (based on how dangerous they are).

Class 1: These are artifacts which I deem to be safe or useless when isolated but capable of unlocking horrific potential. A good example of this would be the Lexicon from the quest Unfathomable Depths. These can be contained upon standard shelves and do not need any extra safety measures.

Class 2: These are artifacts which are used to contain or control other artifacts, and thus possess their own inherent power. A good example of this would be the Staff of Magnus. These can be contained upon shelves, as long as they are in a concealed or guarded location. Standard chests are also acceptable.

Class 3: These are more dangerous artifacts which can cause major harm by themselves on individuals or groups of individuals. Similarly, this would include sensitive information or journals that could allow another scholar to cause inordinate trouble. Examples of this would include unique enchanted weapons or even the more powerful standard enchanted weapons. These are to be disposed of (through enchanting or other means) or stored in a combined safe.

Class 4: These are artifacts which instill power in their wearer that allows them to become an major threat in their own right. These include artifacts which bolster stats or otherwise increase a character’s potential. A good in universe example of this would be the Skeleton Key. These must be stored in a safe.

Class 5: These are artifacts which could bring the world as we know it to an end or otherwise cause untold devastation. Auriel’s Bow and the tainted arrows are the best example that springs to mind. These get their own special dedicated safe.

Anyways, as I mentioned earlier, I’m just looking for some insight or comments on this, trying to refine it to keep it in spirit, and look forward to hearing what ya’ll have to say.

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:26 am

Good luck but I don't get what SCP means.

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Georgine Lee
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:37 am

Secure, Contain, Protect.

Basically, think of the orginization as the traditional MIB or other government coverup agency. They take things that are not "normal" from the public eye, and keep them in secure locations, for study and for the protection of the people who inhabit the planet. They do NOT destroy the objects, even the hazardous ones (which I do not fully understand why.) The Organization itself is actually a wiki site, and is neither real nor a RP site. Rather, it's a place where people who are interested in the gimmick of the Organization to post stories, or a coveted SCP entry.

Go for more info on the SCP Foundation.

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Reven Lord
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:05 am

SCP really does not apply to Skyrim, as abnormal is pretty much normal.

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:28 am

I disagree, SCP could apply even more to Skyrim, as there's an even larger number of world-ending or nation destroying artifacts out there that need to be collected.

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:39 am

You can't destroy the daedric artifacts, well you can but you can't, they just go back to the daedra in question.

Also enchanted weapons being more dangerous than the staff of Magnus? That damn thing could destroy Mundus in the wrong hands. That said none of the artifacts could really end Mundus per say. Guess you better somehow lock Alduin in a huge assed safe oh and lets not forget the Thalmor.

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:52 am

This is a very cool Idea for an RP, imo. You could justify your characters motivations for joining the Dark Brotherhood and the like as "means to an end" type of approach. Are they pragmatic enough that they consider sacrificing a few to potentially save many? Could make for very interesting stories :)

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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:28 am

Yes, you can't destroy them, but as seen with Azura's Star, you can theoretically cut them off from the daedric realms. If not that, at very least you could contain them in a secure location to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. The purpose of the exercise is for a cause to acquire these artifacts so that they're in a secure location and not readily available for the time being to villainous types.

Well, I was under the impression that the Staff of Magnus merely contained magic or absorbed it. How would it be able to be used to destroy Mundus?

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Chenae Butler
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:12 pm

Take a look into perhaps?

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:49 am

I prefer to imagine that that thing doesn't exist.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:05 pm

Thats not the mindset of a dilligent SCP employee.

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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:45 am

Cool idea. I've been trying to find a backstory for my new character that I started yesterday, and this gives me some ideas. Thanks for posting! :)

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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:20 am

Sir, I am shamed by your response! A good point.

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Latino HeaT
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:26 am

you could do the destroy the dark brotherhood quest to get your hands on the blade of woe, maybe even the shrouded armour and other related artifacts, although joining them would grant you access to the night mother, who in herself would be dangerous if someone was to become the listener

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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:57 am

Well, based on the information that would be readily available ICly, when I'm in the cabin with Astrid and the three captives, what could make my character think that there could be opportunity to claim artifacts there? The best I can think of is just knowing the Dark Brotherhood's reputation, but even then, if I wiped them out, that'd neutralize any artifacts they had on its own. If I recall the quests correctly, they don't usually go out and take artifacts, unlike the Thieves' Guild.

EDIT: Also taking things into a different direction: What are ya'lls thought's on the qualification Class-wise of the Masque of Clavicus Vile, which is my current target for acquisition?

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:07 am

Well, sort of Class 4 as it bolsters stats, though it really only makes you a threat to the local economy, giving you great prices and a gilded tongue.

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