Scrap areas for DLC?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:56 am

Who else would like to see designated scrap areas added to FO4?

Like I know scrap can be picked up anywhere but what I'm suggesting is other areas where you can scrap trees and cars and signs and stuff. Just for scrapping, not to build on the same area. Some of these dotted around would be great I think. Some could be easy to get to and others could be in dangerous areas for a bit of a challenge.

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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:38 am

I would love to be able to scrap everything in a new settlement and build it from the groud up. More of the buildings should be able to get scraqed by the player. Honestly I think they should have had about five settlements in the game total, all of them should have been big like Sanctuary and they should have had more character to them and not just generic settlers.

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:21 am

I was thinking to myself that Beth could make a whole new game out of this settlement thing,perhaps in a different setting.

Medieval fantasy world,your quest is to re-build a destroyed kingdom.It'd play out like TES,run around a massive map,do quests,all that silly stuff,but you could have a massively expanded building system so you really could build up an entire capital city+ keeps,farmland etc and populate it with not just generic npcs,but named npcs you'd meet out questing all with specializations in things,some would even dole out quests.With the entire focus of the game eventually rebuilding this massive city,it would take a long time to gather the mats and the npcs.Plus you could enlist a standing army.

Periodically some rival force,enemy kingdom,whatever...would attack your city.It'd have to be seperate to their existing worlds.Like a crossbreed of TES/FALLOUT/MINECRAFT/MODDING.

I'd buy it

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:11 am

Its rather weird..

The sole survivour walks into literally - a scrapyard. He sees all these broken cars, warehouses full of junk, boxes, cranes..

Does not once think "oh, maybe i could rip this stuff down and bring it home"
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:54 pm

You should be able to assign settlers to scrap your collected junk and also to clear up the settlements junk for you. Also send them on junk missions to look for specific elements
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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:31 am

The entire map should be available for scrapping. The Commonwealth would be spankin' clean once I'm done with it. :disguise:

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Kristian Perez
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:16 pm

I'm planning a mod that will add a "Disintigrator Gun" which would break down items and deposit the scrap into your inventory. An available "SCIENCE!" upgrade for the weapon would be to build a teleportation component to the device, allowing you to link it to a workbench and deposit the scrap directly into a settlement's resources. Living beings would be uneffected (though they'd take some middlish amount of energy damage) but the gun would clear dead bodies, and svck up their armor and weapons as well. It would probably run on fusion cores.

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:13 am

I likes it! ;)

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Marguerite Dabrin
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