Go on Can we put away the pitchforks now and quit crying ?
Go on Can we put away the pitchforks now and quit crying ?
How do people manage to get that much play time out of it? I was done after one playthrough months ago.
Skyrim seems to get more players then again, which makes sense because of the moddability, same as for Fallout 4 -
I just couldn't be playing Witcher 3 again, yet I'm currently doing another run of Skyrim.
I don't care about graphics and I never have, however this makes me wonder; if graphics are not that good, then why does this game have such high requirements? I worry this game might not be very well optimized, which is a problem that is happening more and more to games nowadays.
how can anyone be playing on the PC right now when it requires steam activation to actually install and run the game?
Missing Family and Friends of Bethesda staff and Steam Employees and their family and friends.
Also people seem to complain about dogmeat not reacting to fire. In Witcher 3 when you your fire power, enemies don't even flinch. The game is literally roll, hit, roll, hit. Then you go face some more drowners.
More useful photos would be a comparison between low, medium, high, and ultra using the same scene. Seeing how good the game looks at its worst settings is far more important than how good it looks at its best settings.
I honestly dont get the fuss, it looks just as good as every other game.
Depends on the enemy. Organic based enemies react to fire accordingly. As to where a golem wouldn't, cause well, its a golem.
People keep saying they don't care about graphics, but boy are they graphics... ores. ˉ\_(ツ)_/ˉ
Lying to yourself doesn't make it any truer. FO4 will be a blast no doubt but in all honesty not even its textures look on par with TW3, to say nothing of its models.
I don't know why there's so much crying about the graphics, in my opinion it looks very good and i think that the art design fits perfectly to the game.
But still 8 days to wait...
I think it looks damn good, too, and I like the art design, also. But it is 7 days to wait, or 6 days and about 21 hours for midnight release
But anyway, graphics are never on my high list of demands for FO, but the graphics definitely look better than both 3 and NV, which is what you would expect from a sequel, and I dunno why anyone could complain about it, unless they had unrealistic expectations.
unrealistic expectations........thats one way to put it
people forget this game is made to make money with the great side benefit making me and many others have great experience.
if everyone had a console sized box thats has 2 titan X's with a i7-5960X overclocked 4.5ghz+ as install base then you would see alot more in way of graphics.
even if min specs are little high this game is gonna leave more than few people behind i think thats more disappointing then graphics not being Bf4 ultra lvl of detail but i feel more for my fellow man than most people.
The majority of PC sales were on their own platform GOG. We have no stat tracking for how many people play it there. Probably more than Steam since it sold better there. I'm also on playthrough two, the first expansion came out, and another is due out.
As for Fallout 4. I think it looks alright. The art style is better than the technical graphics. Overall acceptable but nothing outstanding.
Techneticone, what's with the attempts to provoke? It seems that your intention is certainly to upset and insult a wide audience of members on here with this thread post since obviously the graphics are a hot topic and you can't seem to help yourself and so choose to throw shade. I'm not sure if you're trying to get a rise out of it or what your aim is, but it's really annoying seeing you in threads such as the one about 'no iron sights' just saying "troll thread, move along" and "why is this thread still alive?" which is an obvious jab at the op which shouldn't be allowed. Your op in this thread is a jab at the community members who aren't happy with the graphics, which are many, since you told people to stop crying as if complaining about complaining made sense. Good job, you sound like a bully. Now let's pretend that the screens of ultra settings are proof that the game looks modern, or even on par with 2010 ultra graphics...
In any case, I don't play a game for its graphics, but when a game is beautiful and realistic looking it sure does enhance the experience. I never expect Bethesda to push out a game that looks better than a game that's a few years old, and that's okay...I'm not shocked. Plus, my pc is a toaster so I'll be playing it on very low settings so how good the game can look doesn't matter to me at this time. By the time I have a pc that can run it on ultra, there will be enough mods to make it even better.